My Crazy Adventure to River Benue. Let's Have a Blurt Hike this Christmas 🎄

in r2cornell •  3 years ago  (edited)

Life is funIMG_0655.jpeg when you have funny and crazy friends around with some sort of adventurous life style who are always curious and inquisitive to know what's in the box.

Myself and @bestkizito went on a boat ⛵ cruise in the mid-hours of yesterday it was so sudden to have a second thought but the thought have been to the river side for long could not allow me resist this rare opportunity to once again have myself sailing round the river trying to know the depth and how wide the river.



River Benue is one of biggest river in Nigeria and West Africa with 673 miles long (1,083km), it is pass across makurdi, Katsina-Ala, Agatu local Government respectively, usually the water level dried up since it's harmattan (dry season) no rain drops so it is very easy to find your way around, it took us about half an hour to reach the other side of river, we first stopped by on an island to see how it looks like I was surprised at what I saw how people were living freely in their local tent and carrying out their fishing activities at night which is their source of livelihood, how scary it is to live on an island that looks unhabitable and unsecured, that is how hard it is to survive in Nigeria especially Benue State.


Most interestingly, on reaching the other side of the River we were so excited to discover our Blurt friend who has changed the natural river side to a serene environment for her art works, what a great idea of creativity she was so surprised to see us around most surprisingly coming on a boat and being our first time of coming to her art shop. It was really a wonderful boat cruise, I Felt exclusively happy.


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is sure to be very entertaining and refreshing. You should invite me and every member of the community to the next blurt cruise.

We are making plans towards inviting Blurt friends around

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the post on #blurtafrica. You have been manually curated by @leifasaur.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I love those shorts, they are super cool!!!

Thank you sir🙏