Motivate Yourself and Think Positively

in r2cornell •  last year 

When you consider all of the positive reactions, you will be motivated to positive action. "It take guts to leave the ruts," 1 said to someone whose only solution to his problem was a major alteration in his life-style. His drinking problem was connected with a group of friends with whom he had been associating for years. "You've got to separate yourself from this crowd," I said. He followed my advice, and his problem went away.

You don't have a problem to solve you just have a decision to make was my advice to another person. He had been laboring under the illusion that he had a problem, when in fact he only lacked the courage to make the right decision. Once I gave him this advice, he made the tough decision. Some wonderful people who worked for him in his company were not contributing to the company's profit. In fact, they were unnecessary drains on the payroll. It was a tough and painful decision. But when the employer realized he didn't have a problem to solve, but a decision to make, he was on his way to creative problem management.


Every obstacle can be an opportunity was my advice to still another person who was unemployed. "Think about that," I said, "and come back to see me in one week and give me a list of all the new opportunities that face you today that wouldn't have been yours if you were still employed." One week later he came back with this list of exciting opportuni- ties: (1) I do have the opportunity to start my own business;
(2) I do have the opportunity to travel;
(3) I do have the opportunity to go back to school;
(4) I do have the opportunity to give more time to my church and to my children and grandchildren.

list was long enough to lift my friend from depression to real enthusiasm. It's not surprising that from this list emerged an idea that since has given him meaningful em- ployment.

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