Don't Abandon Leadership to Faces.

in r2cornell •  last year 


I've seen it happen. I've done it myself. You read an audience. You see an eyebrow raise or hear a throat being cleared. Through body language, some- one suggests that he may not support you. You read on his face that he's going to criticize you. He's not going to back you. He's against you. Before you know it, you have been intimidated by body language into silence and retreat. At that point you have surrendered leadership to a face.

There are people who reach a stage where they just can't handle people any longer. They feel uncomfortable handling government regulations, they can't deal with cash flow problems anymore. Anybody who has dreams and goals also has frustration: lack of time and money, high interest rates disappointments when your best people let you down. such challenges can sum up and if you abandon leadership to them you will soon cash in give up, don't give in to such temptation.

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