Coffee shop

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 


Thousands of solutions in a cup of hot coffee with a friend's theme.
why am i sharing this with you? Because this morning when I woke up there was still coffee on the Press from the previous day. Did I throw it away and make a new pot, Yesterday's coffee was great. It's a shame to just waste what could be a decent cup of coffee. We don't microwave in our house. What's the best way to heat it?The first sip of coffee is still strong. That first gulp made my eyes open wide. That is, the caffeine doesn't break down in an old cup of coffee. add more hot water to heat it up and lengthen the cup a bit more. Now the coffee tastes more like a normal daily drink and a bit warmer. After setting the coffee in the warmer on my table, the coffee has reached a level warm enough to be pleasant to drink. Of course, I now only have 1/3 cup left to drink. So this means it will be brewing a whole new pot of coffee soon."

And now you, dear reader, are caught up in this morning's coffee adventure. Do you drink old days coffee? If so, what is your preferred method of making the old new again?





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