Sustenance at the end of the rainy season

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

hello friends!! very grateful to be given the time to share the portraits with all of you


The rain has started to subside a little, unlike the previous few days, where every day the area where I live is rained heavily, and not a few areas experience flooding. The rain started to stop but not with mold growing around my yard. With this prolonged humiliation, it makes it easier for me to look for evidence of the old beauty around me, namely hunting mushrooms. If in the dry season I am very difficult to find mushrooms around my house, even though the condition of the soil around my house is very humid because my house is surrounded by trees. big. When the dry season extends I usually look for mushrooms in an empty garden which is quite far from my house, although behind my house there is an empty garden but I rarely find mushrooms in that empty garden. This rainy season is really fun for me


I found this fungus growing on the surface of the flowers/fruits of my plants, almost during the rainy season I saw the same type of fungus and also growing in the same place. This mushroom will grow every rainy season on small rotting wood branches . The characteristics of this mushroom are very different from mushrooms in general, right in the middle of this mushroom umbrella there is a white powder, the overall color of the umbrella itself is light brown. From the characteristics that I found, this mushroom cannot be consumed, because it has a dark color and the taste that I tried directly was very bitter. I don't know the name of this mushroom clearly, we usually call this mushroom as fairy Inkcap, because the characteristics are almost the same, this mushroom is a very very fragile type of mushroom, this mushroom will turn into black ink at the end of its growth. in large groups in humid places, I have never seen this fungus grow in the dry season, maybe it's because this fungus can't survive in direct sunlight







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