mushroom beauty on a log

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 


When I was exploring an empty garden with very moist soil conditions, I found a group of very beautiful white mushrooms, namely fairy inkcap mushrooms. Like this mushroom habit, these mushrooms grow in one large group consisting of tens or even hundreds in one group. in every rainy season we are very easy to find this fungus, because this fungus is very fond of humid areas, usually grows on rotting logs and wood fibers. Fairy inkcap mushroom is very easy to recognize because it has a distinctive umbrella shape like a bell which has a striped groove from the middle to the edge of the umbrella itself, the complete characteristics of this mushroom are also very easy to distinguish from other inky caps , this mushroom has a not so straight white, umbrella or very fragile thin fruit body measuring 2-3cm grayish white with a brownish center point. Under the umbrella, an arrangement of gills was seen which was neatly arranged and slightly tenuous. At the beginning of growth this mushroom is bright white and then turns grayish. This mushroom is one of the mushrooms that is not commonly consumed because it is too small and the texture is very fragile, if this mushroom is boiled or cooked, this mushroom will be very easy soluble in water because it has a very brittle texture.







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