Have fun playing in PUBG practice mode

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 


at night is a time when people who can't sleep well feel very capable, myself included, one of the ways I don't get bored in my room at night is to play games that I like, PUBG mobile. PUBGm requires all players to work together in the most exciting mode, namely 4vs4 mode, it's late at night so my friends playing with me are all on a break, here I play in 4v4 team Deathmatch Mode. Playing in this mode is not as exciting as playing in rank mode, because in this mode the focus is on shooting practice at close range.


This is the second time I've played in this mode. This mode was first released on June 13 2019, this mode is very useful for players who want to develop their skills, for example like the pro players we see in international matches, before joining the competition all players are required to play in this mode. here we are really tested our abilities when dealing with enemies at a very close distance. here we only have 10 minutes to get to the peak of victory, there is no limit to kill or die, we play time not number of eliminations


after we successfully enter the battlefield, we are given a few seconds to choose the equipment in the battle that we will play, the equipment we can choose is in the form of!! Weapons, bullets, and finally the scope. Only three equipment that we can choose, vests and helmets have been given automatically, when it comes to medical equipment here it is not needed at all because this is not a battle of strategy but a battle of skills


very small map size where this map is 105m long and 20 meters wide, movement is very limited, because 95% of us play in continuous battle


when I played the second time I already knew quite a bit about the rules and how to play in this mode, in this mode it is very different from the mode we usually play, where in this mode we do not need communication with each other and do not need cooperation, because this is just a shooting practice not a way to set a strategy, determine the rotation path, take a place, and track the enemy's position, this mode is the same as you play mobile legends games, when we lose when we are face to face with the enemy we will come back to life with equipment which we have set at the beginning of the game, so we have no fear of facing enemies in this mode



CameraPOCO X3 Pro Smartphone
photo editingMobile Lightroom
Categorypubg mobile games

thank you for friends who have given me support and a place to share

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