Welcome to curator report #56 for the @ r2cornell Community. Our Discord membership is 3190. We curated 452 blurt posts with the @ r2cornell account from Sunday, November 12 to Saturday, December 23 2023 afternoon.
Bienvenidos al informe de curaduría #56 para la Comunidad de @r2cornell. Nuestra membresía de Discord es 3190. nosotros curamos 452 publicaciones de blurt con la cuenta @r2cornell desde el domingo 13 de Noviembre del 2023 hasta el sábado 23 de Diciembre del 2023 por la tarde.
I had a wonderful day.
By @sabus
A child's love for their parents
By @asad182
প্যাস্টেল কালার দিয়ে চাঁদনী রাতে গাছের ডালে ঝুলে থাকা ল্যাম্পোষ্টের ছবি অংকন।
By @rasel8
Bitcoin Price is Trying to Recover the Loss After Manupilation
By @chorock
Different ways to prepare and eat onion fillings
By @colexion0
Some intelligence destroys people's lives.
By @rubina203
My Copenhagen Impressions
Some Random Pics
Whimsical Figures on a Red Loop at Night... (3D art #1234)...
By @zpzn
Photography:- Very beautiful yellow rose flower photography
By @ride1
This brings us to the end of our 56th Healing Report. There are so many quality posts curated this week that choosing the ones for the report was difficult. I can only say "great job everyone".
Esto nos lleva al final de nuestro Informe #56 de curación. Hay tantas publicaciones de calidad curadas esta semana que fue difícil elegir las del informe. Sólo puedo decir "gran trabajo para todos".
This is the greatest of all great post arre seems in one post. There are all the people have shared quality content. Keep going on it.
That's great work on blurt platform, @r2cornell select a fantastic posts.
Thank you for the curation
Congratulations to all who get support from you.
Great compilation, another week again. Thanks for your work amd have a beautiful week, Team R2Cornell 😁
Congratulations to you all great work and thank you @r2cornell for your awesome support.
Congratulations everyone
This is a great curation report you have Shared. There are all the quality post to see. There are Every post are completely most quality post you have selected. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful work supporting good artists on Blurt, keep it up! :)
Have a great week!
Congratulations to everyone.