Welcome to the curation report # 11 for the Discord Community of @r2cornell. Our Discord membership as of Sunday is 1161. We curated 230 Blurt publications from last Sunday through Saturday afternoon.
Bienvenidos al informe de curaduría # 11 para la Comunidad Discord de @r2cornell. Nuestra membresía de Discord a partir del domingo es 1161. Curamos 230 publicaciones de Blurt desde el domingo pasado hasta el sábado por la tarde.
Attractive gerberas and yellow marigolds are blooming.
By @harmonic
Black and White Clouds: Sign of Battle between Good and Evil.
By @monowar
ULOG • My Local Park Lake is so full of Wildlife 🦆
By @andy4475
By @yanis01
A Witch in my Garden: Beautiful Achiote Flowers [EN] // Una Bruja en mi Jardín: Hermosas Flores de Achiote [ES]
By @fmbs25
Amigos con consciencia VERDE... / Una verdadera familia
By @yonnathang
A Flock of Ducks Wanders along the River
Worse for the sun that goes down at seven, in the cradle of the sea to snore - Peor para el sol que se mete a las siete, en la cuna del mar a roncar
By @pablo1601
Im größten Zoogeschäft der Welt - In the largest pet store in the world [DEU-ENG]
By @bitandi
A Magical Natural Drink Recipe. From Blue To Purple
This brings us to the end of our 11th Curation Report. There so many quality publications curated this week that it was difficult to choose those for the report. Then it was even more difficult choosing those to highlight. I can only say "great work to everyone".
Esto nos lleva al final de nuestro Informe de la 11ª Curación. Hay tantas publicaciones de calidad curadas esta semana que fue difícil elegir las del informe. Luego fue aún más difícil elegir las que se van a destacar. Sólo puedo decir "gran trabajo para todos".
It is wonderful to be part of this sir. More grace!
It is great to have you as part of the team!
Fabulosos autores con un contenido hermoso. Gracias, querido equipo @dsc-r2cornell por brindar apoyo sin fronteras y con ese calor humano que los caracteriza y distingue. Una abrazo grande!
Good afternoon dear friends @ r2cornell-curate
I want to congratulate the whole team for the great healing work they do every day; Extensive to all the mentioned and prominent authors of the period.
I wish you all an excellent evening
Wows! Great job. Dazzling :)
Excelente recopilación de publicaciones con imágenes que emanan un gran profesionalismo. Un abrazo equipo de @r2cornell.curate.
Es de admirar su trabajo, de verdad.
¡Felicitaciones a todo el equipo!
I'm so glad to be part of the #r2cornell Discord Community.
Keep up the good work boss!
More wins to this great community of progressives.
Excellent curation work @r2cornell-curate & team.
A great job on bkurt. Carry on sir.
Agradezco a @r2cornell-curate por el gran apoyo que nos brindan en todo momento. Felicitaciones a todos los mencionados, excelentes trabajos.
Another great work @r2cornell sir
Saludo a la comunidad, excelente trabajo de selección. Felicidad a los creadores!
Your good deeds inspire me to use Blurt and post beautifully.
Thank you very much...
Thanks for supporting blurtians
Great helping project for good quality and good photography post.have a good day
Nice curation post sir
@r2cornell how good it is to find them in Blurt, quality content appreciating the effort of the users. I already follow them, because I think the work they do contributes to the growth of everyone on the platform
Amazing Men