Easy way to make Irish Potatoes Chips

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 


Greetings great people of Blurt Community! I want to use this opportunity to appreciate God for all His mercies and preservation. I want to equally believe that we all doing great.

I want to teach this great house how one can easily make Irish Potatoes Chips.

Ingredients and Equipment

1Irish Potatoes
3Knife for cutting
4Slicer for slicing
5Bowls for slicing in and washing you Irish Potatoes.
6Cloth (cotton material that easily absorbs water) for dabbing
7Vegetable oil
9Frying pan



  • Peel your Irish Potatoes as shown below


  • After that, you soak in water for few minutes as shown below


  • After that, you use your slicer to slice the potatoes into the required shape as shown below.

  • After that, you wash;

  • After that you extract water from the chip by using your cloth as described

  • Firstly, you place the chip on one side of the cloth as shown below;

  • Secondly, you cover the chips with the other side of the cloth as shown below

  • Finally you dap the chip with the cloth as shown below

  • Prepare your salt solution by adding two talbespoon of salt in water and stir until the salt particles is completely dissolved.


  • After carrying out these steps you begin your frying by placing your frying pan on the fire and allow to dry as shown below


  • After drying, you pour you vegetable oil and allow to heat for few minutes before adding your chips as shown below


  • Your salt solution would be added while frying so that the salt can uniformly circulate among the chips as shown below


  • After frying for few minutes your chips is ready as shown below.


Thanks for your time and its a pleasure to share my recipe

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Ohhhh... @prince4icon, this is nice. It's really good. Thanks for sharing all the process.

I understand that Irish potato is different from the usual white potatoes. Does the same process apply to making chips with either of these two chips?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Am not sure because I have not seen anything on the other potatoes