Capturing the Attention of Tourists with Creative Wall Art

in r2cornell •  last year 

Hello guys, welcome to my blog.

I love to travel...who doesn't...right? One day as I was visiting a famous site in Delhi. And I was walking towards the metro station and suddenly a wall captured my attention.

It was painted with bright colours and the subject was different monuments and popular places from the entire city. It was a perfect advertisement I had seen.

This one is a popular monument called the Lotus temple. I have visited it once and shared my experience on one of my Incredible India's post on other platform. The partition in the middle of the wall makes it look like it will open from the middle and transform into something else...hehe

But not just this, this wall had a lot of other paintings as well.

How can one forget about the magnificent RedFort? Kudos to the painters for doing a great job. The colours were so bright and saturated. They were shining in the afternoon bright sunlight.

Another one of early Mughal architecture is the famous, Humayun's Tomb. I have been there a couple of times and the painter here made a big error of judgement. They used yellow colours for which it should be red but still looks nice. Notice how the painted leaves merge into the actual leaves of that plant on the pavement. Great presence of mind there.

The last couple of these is the Rashtrapati Bhawan and the new Parliament building. Both are in Delhi as well. I have yet to explore these but now I have an idea of what to expect.

The last couple of these are depictions of India Gate and the new National War Memorial, I have been there few times as well. It's hard to choose the best one from all these incredible wall paintings but my favourite is the India Gate one.

This wall is close to the India Gate itself. I believe it was done as part of the celebrations for India's 75th year of independence or maybe they were just here for promoting tourism only and have no connection to that. But it was freshly painted for sure.

In any case, the painter/s did an incredible job on them and is a great way to promote the culture and tourism in Delhi. Need many more of these walls for sure. Delhi has so many other monuments/places to boast about.

Thanks for reading...

All the content is mine unless otherwise stated. Photos were taken from sony ZV1 camera and edited using the "Snapseed" app.

~~ Until Next Time ~~

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