Warning Signs of Complacency.

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

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We are all guilty of being complacent and no matter how much we want to twist it, we have been caught in that web of it too many times than we can count. I have been guilty too because I've been writing my books with my mouth over the years and when Monika said "Ola, that book won't write itself" I felt that hahahaha. That's for you to know for how long I've been pushing it away too, so, I am as guilty as everyone too.

Sometimes we think we are taking a deserved rest when we don't even know we are already getting complacent. We think we have all the time in the world to do other things but some things are time-bound and the moment you have missed that moment, you might never get it back. Anyone who wastes an hour in the morning would spend the whole day looking for it because time is precious and what separates the rich from the poor is how they use their time. When preparation meets with opportunity, success is inevitable.

There are some things we can still do later which might not require urgency, I agree but we all know that time keeps counting and the energy with the zeal that would be needed if we do it later won't be the same as if we had done it before. Yes, you can write at any time, and you can share your story at any time but people move on too quickly, so if you don't take advantage of the time you have now, you might get frustrated later on even after you have done the right thing. It would make you question if you were meant to do it in the first place, forgetting that you were the one who didn't strike the iron when it was hot.

Imagine the energy it would take to strike a hot iron to that of a cold one? You would need twice as much energy when it's cold than when it's hot. As I have said, some things are time-bound and the moment you miss that window, you can as well just say goodbye to that dream.

We sometimes get complacent and we don't even know it. Perhaps you are thinking right now if you are getting complacent but the Ernesto in you is convincing you that you are not. Here are some of the points I want to share with us so we can know when to strike our iron hot.

5 Warning Signs of Complacency.

1. You are complacent when you are no longer striving to do your best.

It's never easy to attain that high level and sometimes when we attain it, we take things for granted. We ignore the things we did that got us to that level and start riding on past glory. Yesterday's achievement is tomorrow's mediocrity. What you think you achieved today that sets the record, you can be sure that another person is warming up, using your story as a motivation to topple that achievement. We live in a world where people move on too quickly and they go with the "next big thing". So, if you get complacent, you will be left behind.

When you are riding on your past achievements and you are no longer putting in the effort, then you are getting complacent. We used to say that the rich keeps getting richer and that's because the rich man knows what it feels like not to have which makes it easier for him to keep giving his best. We have often joked about it with people that we feel are rich. We have often asked them why they are stressing themselves when they have all the money in the world. They understand that being complacent means they would be left behind and no one wants to be known as the "rich man of yesterday."

Not being relevant anymore has led so many people into depression because they have been used to getting that attention and often confuse it for loyalty but with the way the world is, if you are not constantly pushing yourself harder, you will soon be forgotten.

Whatever you are doing, if it stretches you too much, try and drop some areas in that thing. Why? Am I contradicting myself? No. This is because I would rather have less area to work with and do more rather than have more areas to work on and do less. If you can handle three major things at once, handle those three things. Don't do more, don't do less. This is why I don't force people who couldn't handle being on different blog sites. If you are better suited to giving your best to just 2 blogs, by all means, face it and over time you can build character to handle more.

...to be continued...

This post also appeared here and it's my original work on my blog on Read.Cash.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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