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in r2cornell •  2 years ago  (edited)

I think that maybe Travel-Pro doesn’t like the Ukraine 🇺🇦 flag on @yakubenko Blurt promotions. ?? Not sure. Maybe we could ask her to remove this flag and everyone would be happy ? Would that work ? I could ask her …

FYI … @yakubenko has been promoting Blurt everywhere since Day 1. Everywhere. Long before the War.

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I think it’s more we tend to pigeon hole onto things that are trending in the news. Like right now there are wars going on with more people dying than Ukraine but no one talks about them etc. It’s akways whatever is in the news everyone’s obsessed with and if it’s not on the news no one cares. I guess Ukraine has now fallen into the same category as covid vaccines, Blm, me too, extinction rebellion. At the heart all are good causes but they end up getting used in various ways. Social justice always ends up just being about whatever’s trending rly, everyone’s less angry about not being vaccinated now so it’s moved in to Ukraine and that’s slowly petering out and something else will replace it whilst the war still rages on there.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It seems to me that Everyone gets easily triggered these days..I’m not allowed to say that I’m praying for the people of the Ukraine. 🇺🇦 Without someone getting triggered. And completely losing there brains … . 🧠 oh well.. ha ha …

I think everyone is easily trigged these days that we can defo agree on 😅

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)


This is 100 % True.

Especially people who blame other people about getting easily Triggered.

Ha ha ha ha ….

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Triggered against the team,, don't know why 😆 But I don't like people who try to be on both sides, Either you are wrong or you are definitely wrong. There is no shame to be standing with an opinion and being firm to it.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Do we have to have a side? I generally can see both sides in something, sometimes I have a more firm opinion on things because I just do and sometimes I can kind of see both sides or all sides or even hold multiple opinions simultaneously. The only thing we can ever do is speak our truth and share our opinion in the moment. As you'll see just in one post I have argued for mega drive and against @world-travel-pro then on others issues agreed with him. I don't like this fixed taking sides thing personally.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, I am not saying we should not have two views, But if you check again, there is a pattern to people writing these posts. In the end things do not go well. Everyone is free to share his/her view, but sometimes people cross the limit.
Saying words on a person face is difficult, but writing here looks like no issue. But it have consequences, because people may edit/delete comment, but not the blockchain, it remember everything and it can not be erased.

People just need to think before posting.

Posted from

I would happily have any discussions I had on here in person, we just had a really nice chat and @imransoudagar and @world-travel-pro joined and everything was great, lots of great ideas, chats. I don't think anyone is coming from a malicious place and everyone has ideas about the chain. Some they are more fixed on, some that we are open minded on and might change our mind, some we can see both sides. I know for myself I definitely can hold two opinions at one time and see something from two sides.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's good to know, thanks.
Yes, things can be sorted out if talked.

Posted from

sure none of us have the ability to change anything ourselves but we can chat about it and hash things out, sometimes favourably, sometimes things people don';t like but the beauty of blurt is it's all out in the open and everyone gets heard and no one has to be afraid to voice an opinion.

actually sometimes I have even shared two completely opposing opinions on my wall, just because I like the post, or thought it was an interesting argument or that the post had a lot of effort put into it. I don't think everyone has to have some fixed opinion they don't ever move from.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, but sometimes the opinions does not feel right

Posted from

which opinion is that? and do you think that means it cannot be expressed and talked about? I think a lot of the time things that are written also don't always come across the same as when a person is expressing in person and you see their facial movements / eyes etc. But this is a conversation to have. If you say what doesn't feel right then that too can be hashed out and communicated.

You're so wrong. It's all about business common sense. 6 out of 8 of my great grandparents were born Kiev and Odessa. My x girlfriend was from Donesk, I lived in Ukraine for four months. I pray for Ukraine and all those suffering on either side.

@ultravioletmag is again spot on. Should we put a BLM logo next to the Blurt Logo. How about this, we Have the Blurt logo then next to it we put 🤬BLM 🇺🇦🎺🌈

Each one of these logs turns off an audience. Is that how you grow a business and attract investment? Honestly "dude" I think you need a lesson in business 101.

Omg the emojis 🤣🤣🤣🤣 sorry but that killed me 😅

There’s a better meme than this somwhere but couldn’t find it

Hahaha. That is halarious, and thank you for understanding my point so well and in the most funny way!

I mean I don’t rly care what mega drive likes it’s up to him and offgrid but I am opposed to any of these social justice causes being used to promote the platform / form part of the logo. Etc

Exactly! He would be far better of doing nothing with his up-vote power than doing this. It's just making Blurt look like it's run by an MSM power instead of a decentralized blockchain. Huge turn off. Maybe he's got some strange connections we don't know about, after all @megadrive is just an inside member of the "hive cabal" that got kicked out, cause he wasn't cabal enough or something.

And how come nobody commented on one of my major points. The occult woman image, that has thankfully been changed. Seriously, that alone had me really almost not buying 500,000 blurt. Especially after blowing their shit up. Who knows if and how many other's simply chose not to invest because of that. Maybe none, maybe many, we'll never know.

This is what I'm talking about....I'm not going to hold half a million blurt and sit back idley while I see such foolish business moves on a regular. The price could and should be double what is now. Frankly it could be much more than that.

tbh I don't rly buy into occult imagery. I am more about energy and intention. Most occult symbolism was actually positive and then manipulated for darker means and not everyone follows that kind of thing. For example the swastika was linked to I believe it was buddhism before it got used by Hitler and made into something that everyone thinks is a sign of evil. I really don't buy into this stuff, I got a lot of hatred on my painting of the all seeing eye lol but to me it's just an image about being connected to the one source. Sure some ppl have used the all seeing eye for negative connotations but I choose not to.

My personal opinion is that the founder maybe shouldn’t be upvoting anything at all and shoudl delegate their stake or just not utilise it so the platform stays more decentRalised.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I’m sorry to hear that. Prayers for your family in Odessa and the Ukraine 🇺🇦

Did you just "dude" me?

The way you write this makes me sound anti-ukrainian. I am not. I'm anti Ukraine Virtue signaling with blurts name on it.

And OK....sure have her remove the Ukrainian flag from everything she posts and let's watch @megadrive prove me wrong. If he still up votes her often 100% everything she does than I'll make a public apology and just assume he has a real affection for this woman. It's seems pretty clear that the only reason he supports her so heavily is because he thinks it's a good idea to tie blurt to Ukraine. Not smart business, plain and simple. If you disagree, than so be it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are really crazy buddy, why have both opinions. Yakubenko is an old user of blurt, and I am following her since I joined Blurt. The only thing I got to know that he is from Ukraine, was during wartime.

So, if I keep voting for her because she is from Ukraine do not make sense at all.

I only vote for her because of her art creations, and sometimes her selfies too...

Also, there are two more artist accounts doing the same, and I still don't know where the other two are. Because content should be the king and not a person.

Note: Just my personal views, and don't be offended 😝 I have a weakness of speaking truth

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I love your words Tekraze 💚

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