The Most According to Islamic Religion | Photography

in r2cornell •  last year 

Good Afternoon everyone for all of our friends who are at Blurtter and have been joining Blurtter for a long time, hopefully we are always healthy and can always carry out activities as usual. So on this occasion I want to write a little bit about The Most According to Islamic Religion | Photography hopefully later it can become a memory for myself, and for other friends who are already married, don't forget to also give directions and input if later in my writing there are still words- words that are not polite, therefore I apologize once again.

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The mosque is a place of simple prayer for Muslims, and may be an open space rather than a building. In the first stages of Islamic architecture, mosques consisted of open and closed spaces surrounded by a wall, often with a minaret from which the call to prayer was issued. The mosque building usually contains a mihrab mounted on a wall that shows the Qibla direction to Mecca, and ablution facilities. The minbar, the place where the Friday prayer sermon is delivered, used to be a characteristic of downtown mosques, but has since become common in smaller mosques. Mosques usually have separate rooms for men and women. This organizational archetype took different forms depending on the region, period, and school. Mosques generally serve as locations for prayers, iftar of Ramadan, funeral prayers, weddings and business practices, collection and distribution of alms, as well as shelters for the homeless. Historically, mosques have served as community centers, courts, and religious schools.
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In modern times, they have also maintained their role as a place of religious teaching and debate. Special importance is given to the Masjidilharam (center of pilgrimage), the Nabawi Mosque in Medina (Muhammad's burial place) and the Masjidilaqsa in Jerusalem (believed to be the place of Muhammad's ascension to heaven). With the spread of Islam, mosques multiplied throughout the Islamic world. Sometimes churches and temples were converted into mosques, which influenced Islamic architectural styles. While most pre-modern mosques were funded by charitable donations, increased government regulation of large mosques has been matched by the emergence of privately funded mosques, many of which serve as bases for various Islamic revivalist organizations and social activities. Mosques have played a number of political roles. Mosque attendance rates vary greatly depending on the region. Mosque means a place of worship. The root word for masjid is sajada where sajada means prostration or submission. The word mosque itself is rooted in Aramaic. The word masgid is found in an inscription from the 5th century BC. said the masgid. In the maf'il pattern, the mosque means a place of prostration. Then, the mashdar pattern adds isim to become a mosque. This word means a mark of prostration that is visible on the forehead. The words mosque and mosque are the singular forms of the word masâjid.
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he etymology of the mosque is based on one hadith, namely as a place of prostration on Earth. The locations are everywhere on Earth and there is no specific location for this place of prostration. In this sense, the mosque is a place for performing prayers which are holy from impurity. Some locations cannot be used as places of prayer or mosques because they are mentioned in the proposition. These places include cemeteries, bathrooms, and stables. According to terminology, a mosque is defined as land that is owned by a public and non-private nature, which is used as a special place for worship. The ownership of the mosque is seen as belonging to Allah with the aim of being a place of prayer. The mosque's terminology specifically is the place where the five daily prayers are held. In this sense, a prayer room and a place specifically for Eid prayers are not categorized as a mosque. Based on this terminology, places for the poor and madrasas are also not included in the mosque category. In these places, the laws that apply to the mosque cannot be enforced.
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This is all I can say more and less I apologize, hopefully it will be useful for me, and hopefully it will be useful for all readers in general, thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to follow and vote for my posts. , and one more thing, don't forget to share this post with other friends.

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