Hypena Isogona | Photography | Macro

in r2cornell •  last year 

Good Night everyone for all of our friends who are at Blurtter and have been joining Blurtter for a long time, hopefully we are always healthy and can always carry out activities as usual. So on this occasion I want to write a little bit about Hypena Isogona | Photography | Macro hopefully later it can become a memory for myself, and for other friends who are already married, don't forget to also give directions and input if later in my writing there are still words- words that are not polite, therefore I apologize once again.

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There are so many living creatures in this world that are free to fly anywhere, but all of them have the right to live, as well as one of the insects that I want to discuss at this time, which is about one of the small butterflies. Butterflies and moths are insects that belong to the order Lepidoptera, or 'scale-winged insects'. In simple terms, butterflies are distinguished from moths, aka night butterflies, based on their active time and physical characteristics. Butterflies are generally active during the day, while moths are mostly active at night. Butterflies rest or perch by straightening their wings, moths alight by spreading their wings. Butterflies usually have beautiful brilliant colors, moths tend to be dark, dull or gray. However, these differences always have exceptions, so scientifically they cannot be used as a definite guide. There are many types of butterflies and moths, on the island of Java and Bali alone there are more than 600 species of butterflies. The types of moths so far have not been made a complete list, but it is suspected that there are hundreds of species. Butterflies are also one of the few types of insects that are harmless to humans.
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The name of life all needs a process so that it becomes one of the butterflies that we can see, so that's why butterflies also need stages to live, so that we know how the process of the occurrence of butterflies. Butterfly eggs are protected by a hard shell called the chorion covered with an anti-wax coating that protects the eggs from drying out before the larvae have a chance to fully develop. Each egg has a fine funnel-shaped pore at one end, a micropyle that allows the sperm to join the egg. Different species have different egg sizes, but all butterfly eggs are spherical or ovate in shape. Butterfly eggs are attached to the leaves with a special adhesive that hardens quickly. When it hardens, the material contracts and bends the shape of the egg. This adhesive is easily seen forming the meniscus material that surrounds the sole of each egg. This adhesive is also produced by the pupa to bind the cremaster cells together. This adhesive is so hard that the silk mats that hold each other together cannot be separated. Butterfly eggs are always laid on plants. Each butterfly species has its own range of host plants, either only one species or multiple species. The egg stage lasts several weeks for most butterflies, but eggs released shortly before winter, especially in temperate climates, must go through the diapaus (resting) stage and only hatch in spring. There are other butterfly species that can lay eggs in the spring so the eggs can hatch in the summer.
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Actually the birth process of a butterfly is very long so it becomes one of the butterflies that we usually see flying. Butterfly larvae, that is, caterpillars, feed on plant leaves and spend all their time as caterpillars in search of food. Most beluncas are mauns, but there are a few species such as Spalgis epius and Liphyra brassolis that eat insects. Some larvae, especially those belonging to the Lycaenidae, establish mutually beneficial relationships with ants. Beluncas communicate with ants by using vibrations emitted through the substrate in addition to absorbing chemical signals. The ants more or less protect these larvae; in return, the larvae help the ants collect honey seeps. Beluncas grow through a series of stages called instars. Toward the end of each instar, the larva undergoes a process called apolysis, in which the cuticle, which is a hard outer layer made of a mixture of chitin and specialized proteins, is removed from the soft epidermis beneath, and the epidermis forms a new cuticle beneath. At the end of each instar, the larva sheds its old skin, then a new skin develops which hardens and produces pigment rapidly. This process of copying skins can take days. The butterfly flap pattern begins to develop on the calf's body towards the last instar.
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Butterfly caterpillars have three pairs of fixed legs on the thoracic segments and no more than six pairs of prolegs growing on the abdominal segments. On this profoot there are bracelets of fine hooks, namely krisye which help the crabs grip the substrate. Some caterpillars can inflate their heads to look like snakes as a defensive measure. There are also equipped with false eyes to make it more efficient. Some hornets have a special structure called an osmeterium with a buttocks to absorb decaying chemicals for defensive purposes as well. Houseplants often contain toxic substances in them which can be separated by beluncas to be stored until they reach maturity so that they are unsavory to be eaten by birds and similar predators. This unpleasantness is shown by the warning colors red, orange, black or white, in a custom known as aposematism. Toxic substances in plants are often specially developed to protect plants from being eaten by insects. However, insects have managed to develop countermeasures or utilize these toxins for self-sufficiency. This "arms race" has fueled the co-evolution of insects and their host plants.
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Usually butterflies are one of the cleanest insects, so many people like these butterflies, in fact almost everyone likes butterflies, and these butterflies don't harm society in general, it's just that the butterflies find food from the juices in the flowers. We often see that if there are lots of plants in our house, such as banua, it is certain that the butterflies will come to our speed. Many people like beautiful butterflies, but on the contrary, it is rare for people who don't feel disgusted at caterpillars, even though they are the same creature. All types of butterflies and moths go through life stages as eggs, caterpillars, cocoons, and eventually metamorphose into butterflies or moths. Butterflies generally live by sucking flower nectar (nectar/flower juice). However, some types like liquid sucked from fruits that fall on the ground and rot, carrion, bird droppings, and wet soil. Unlike butterflies, caterpillars live mainly by eating leaves. These caterpillars are very greedy, but generally each type of caterpillar specializes in eating the leaves of certain types of plants. So that the presence of a type of butterfly in a place is also determined by the availability of plants that become the hosts of the caterpillars.
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As we are people who like nature, we also know what each butterfly needs, so we know how the first metamorphosis process starts from the egg. Butterflies will usually lay their eggs one by one in an array on a plant. The eggs will be laid by butterflies on the stalks, leaves or other parts so that later they can grow perfectly. The shape of butterfly eggs is usually round, oval or spiral. The average egg size is only 1-2 mm. Then, what about the egg stage? Usually, the butterfly egg stage can vary. The number of eggs produced by butterflies also varies greatly depending on each butterfly. This is because there are several species of butterflies that produce few eggs, which are around 30 eggs or even less. Conversely, other species can produce more eggs, ranging from 100-200 eggs during their lifetime. Apart from species, the number of eggs from butterflies also depends on the presence of parasites or predators nearby. The more predators, the egg's chance of survival will be threatened and the chances of survival are small. The next butterfly metamorphosis process is the larva (caterpillar). In this phase, the larvae or caterpillars become active eaters so they can grow quickly. So, in this phase the larvae should experience a change of skin or what is commonly called molting. This molting stage occurs 4-5 times and produces a different color. This is because later they have their own strategy to avoid predators. Larvae with bright colors will attract much more attention so that they will be more dangerous for predators. Therefore, it's better if the color of the larva is darker than the color of the objects around it to stay safe. And this phase takes 1-1.5 months.
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This is all I can say more and less I apologize, hopefully it will be useful for me, and hopefully it will be useful for all readers in general, thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to follow and vote for my posts. , and one more thing, don't forget to share this post with other friends.

Thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to follow and vote for me to post, and others don't forget to share this post with other friends.

Greetings to all on Blurtter...

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https://blurt.blog/r2cornell/@nurdinnakaturi/hypena-isogona-or-photography-or-macro 20hrs ago

This user do repost..

https://blurt.blog/writing/@nurdinnakaturi/white-butterfly-or-photography-or-macro last month

There might be more on his blog if I keep checking.

Already removed him from booster whitelist. Any account posting flowers should be checked...seems that's their style

got pak, terimakaskih banyak pak , tpi mesueu ditnan harga blurt han ek tajak peu abeh wate keu atra yang menan2, tpi dro neuh na wate neuh untuk neulapor, tpi hana meudalehnyan. teurimong geunaseh sigoteuk pak dedy yang saya hormati.

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Kon long lapor akun droe. Nyan but kurator laen nyang kalon.

Lheuh nyan dibahas lam Discord. Lage nyan dituleh keudroe lam Discord, long salen keuno karna hana pat jeut tahubungi droe.

Seulaku ureung nyang peutamong droe lam whitelist, posisi long pih ka hana aman le jeut keu kurator.

Meunan nyang jeut long peutrang bak droe. Bek jeut jeut keukaru tanyoe dua gara-gara but gob. 🤝🤝

alah droenuh pak meu nyan masalah pih ek karu 2 teuh, hana galak jak meudawa nyan masalah pih, hana ivote bek tapost le, ivote tapos lom, nyanban sagai..............😂😆

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Hehehehe get.