Coccinella Transversalis | Photography | Macro

in r2cornell •  last year 

Good Night everyone for all of our friends who are at Blurtter and have been joining Blurtter for a long time, hopefully we are always healthy and can always carry out activities as usual. So on this occasion I want to write a little bit about Coccinella Transversalis | Photography | Macro hopefully later it can become a memory for myself, and for other friends who are already married, don't forget to also give directions and input if later in my writing there are still words- words that are not polite, therefore I apologize once again.

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If we take a quick look at this one beetle, then what we will think is, can this beetle be able to fly or jump, because if we look at the wings we can see that it is impossible to fly, because the wings look very hard, it turns out that behind the wing has more wings to fly, so the outer wing is my real protection. Koksi beetles (also called ladybugs) are small beetles that make up the Coccinellidae family. They are easily recognized by their small round appearance and their colorful backs and in some species they have spots. Ordinary people sometimes call the koksi beetle a ladybug, because of its size and shield which is also hard, but this beetle is not from the ladybug nation (Hemiptera). This insect is known as a friend of farmers because some of its members prey on insect pests such as aphids. However, there are several species of koksi that also eat leaves so that they become parasites for plants. These beetles are found all over the world, especially in areas where the plants that provide their food live. In this world there are approximately 5,000 species and the largest body length reaches nearly 1 cm.
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The koksi beetle has a fairly distinctive appearance that makes it easy to distinguish from other insects. Its body is almost round in shape with a pair of hard wings on its back. The hard wings on the back are multicolored, but are generally brightly colored with a mottled pattern. Those hard, colorful wings are actually the elite wings or forewings. The hind wings are transparent and are usually folded under the forewings when not in use. When flying, it flaps its hind wings quickly, while its stiff front wings cannot flap and are stretched out to increase lift (when flying). Its hard front wings can also function as a protective shield. The koksi beetle has short legs and a head that looks bent downwards. This head position helps it eat small animals such as aphids. On its feet there are fine hairs of microscopic size (can only be seen with a microscope) whose ends are like spoons. These hairs produce a sticky, oily substance that the ladybugs can walk on and stick to difficult places like glass or ceilings.

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The majority of ladybugs are carnivores that eat small plant-sucking animals such as aphids (aphids). Larvae and adults of the same species usually eat the same food. Ladybugs eat by sucking the body fluids of their prey. In his head there is a pair of lower jaws (mandibles) to help him hold prey while eating. He then pierces the prey's body with a special tube in his mouth to inject digestive enzymes into the prey's body, then sucks the prey's body tissue which is already in liquid form. A ladybug is known to eat up to 1,000 aphids in its entire life. Several types of ladybugs such as the Japanese ladybug[6] and the ladybug from the species Epilachna admirabilis are known to be herbivores because they eat leaves. Ladybugs usually leave a distinctive mark on the leaves where they feed because they don't eat the leaf veins.
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Ladybugs do marriage in order to reproduce. Sometimes there are 2 ladybugs that have different color patterns, but they can still mate and reproduce normally because they are still from the same species. Female ladybugs of this type of carnivorous ladybird then choose places that are mostly inhabited by their food insects so that once they hatch, the larvae get an abundant food supply. In leaf-eating ladybugs, the female that has just laid her eggs on a plant will leave bite patterns on the leaves so that no other females lay their eggs on the same plant. In the four seasons, if the female ladybug does not find suitable plants until the winter is over, the female ladybug delays laying her eggs until the winter is over. Ladybugs as members of the order Coleoptera (beetles) undergo complete metamorphosis: eggs, larvae, cocoons, and adults. Ladybug eggs are oval and yellow in color. These eggs usually hatch about a week after they are first laid. Ladybug larvae are generally long-bodied, covered in hair, and have six legs. These larvae live by eating according to their mother's food and as they grow bigger, they change their skin. Larvae that have reached a certain size will then stop eating and enter the cocoon phase at the age of two weeks from the time they first hatch. These cocoons are usually attached to objects such as leaves or twigs and are yellow and black in color. The adult ladybugs emerge from the cocoons after about a week.[8] The front wings of a ladybug that has just come out are still fragile and pale yellow, so it will stand still for a moment to harden its wings before starting to move.
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This is all I can say more and less I apologize, hopefully it will be useful for me, and hopefully it will be useful for all readers in general, thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to follow and vote for my posts. , and one more thing, don't forget to share this post with other friends.

Thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to follow and vote for me to post, and others don't forget to share this post with other friends.

Greetings to all on Blurtter...

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  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Get that teuga kenong vote ya hehehee..... Saleum dari #blurtnesia

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

hehehe, boh pane na teuga pak, na mu bacut kajeut sit, dari pada kosong sama sekali,
oke sukses selalu #blurtnesia, semoga kedepannya selalu yang terbaik.👍

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Akun droe ka long peutamong lam whitelist (daftar putih) Blurtbooster. Jinoe hana otomatis keunong vote le bot lage awai, tapi ka secara manual berdasarkan daftar putih.

Neujaga karya beuget.

oeh got pak, terimakasih banyak atas dukungannya, lon usahakan yang terbaik pak, tpi karna mengingat blurt harga jih mantong rendah, jdi tateumuleh agak kureng taperhatikan msalahnyan, cuma apabila ka di peugot aturan lagenyan, kakeuh taushakan. oia pak, kiban cara takalon daftarnyan, dan pat takalon pak. terimakash ssigot teuk pak atas dukungan droneuh keulon.

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Cuma kurator nyang jeut kalon daftar putih.

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