Hübner's Wasp Moth | Photography | Macro

in r2cornell •  last year 

Good Night everyone for all of our friends who are at Blurtter and have been joining Blurtter for a long time, hopefully we are always healthy and can always carry out activities as usual. So on this occasion I want to write a little bit about Hübner's Wasp Moth | Photography | Macro hopefully later it can become a memory for myself, and for other friends who are already married, don't forget to also give directions and input if later in my writing there are still words- words that are not polite, therefore I apologize once again.

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In general, there are many types of moths that live in this world, but these moths are quite difficult for us to find, because all we usually see are butterflies. Meanwhile, moths and butterflies have differences, although they are very similar. Moths are insects closely related to butterflies and both belong to the Order Lepidoptera. The differences between butterflies and moths go beyond taxonomy. Sometimes the names Rhopalocera (butterfly) and Heterocera (moth) are used to formalize their distinction. Many attempts have been made to divide the order Lepidoptera into groups such as Microlepidoptera and Macrolepidoptera, Fenatae and jugatau, or Monotrysia and Ditrysia. The failure of this name to remain in the modern classification is because neither of these classifications represent a pair of monophyletic groups. In fact, butterflies are a small group that arises from "moths". Moths and their caterpillars are major pests of plantations in many parts of the world. The caterpillar of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar), an invasive species causes severe damage to forests in the northeastern United States. In temperate climates the codling moth causes severe damage especially to orchards. In the tropics and subtropics the cabbage caterpillar (Plutella xylostella) is perhaps the most vicious pest of cabbage plants.

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Some moths in the Tineidae family are often considered pests because their larvae eat fabrics such as clothes and blankets made from natural fibers such as wool and silk, but they usually do not eat materials mixed with artificial fibres. Camphor is the most commonly used moth repellent and is considered to be moderately effective but there is concern about its effects on human health. Moth larvae can be killed by freezing the items they attack for several days at temperatures below -8 degrees Celsius. Moths are quite hardy and less susceptible to pest control than mosquitoes and flies. Some moths are however useful and farmed, such as the silkworm, the larvae of the domestic moth Bombyx mori. Silkworms are raised for their cocoons. Not all silk is produced by Bombyx mori because there are several Saturniidae species that are also farmed for their silk such as the Ailanthus moth (a member of the group Samia cynthia), the Chinese Oak Silk Moth (Antheraea pernyi), the Assam Silk Moth (Antheraea assamensis), and the Japanese Silk Moth (Antheraea pernyi), the Assam Silk Moth (Antheraea assamensis), and the Japanese Silk Moth (Antheraea pernyi). Antheraea yamamai).
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The mopane caterpillar, a caterpillar from Gonimbrasia belina, of the family Saturniidae, is a food source in South Africa. It should be noted that adults do not feed on fabrics. Large moths such as Lun, Polyphemus, Atlas, Prometheus, Cercropia, do not have mouths and they drink nectar. Moths can be found around artificial lights. One hypothesis put forward to explain this phenomenon is that they use a star navigation technique called latitude orientation. By keeping a steady angle with a bright sky object (the moon) the moth can fly in a straight line. This celestial object is so far away that even after flying far there is no significant difference in angle but it will be different with artificial light. Human-made light hasn't appeared long enough to influence the evolution of moth navigation systems. When the moth encounters a closer artificial light and uses it for navigation, its angle changes significantly after traveling that short distance. The instinct of the moth tries to correct it by turning towards the light and this ultimately results in a spiral flight pattern that draws closer and closer to the light source.
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This can be fatal to the moth if the artificial light source kills it such as a candle or insect repellent. Another theory that has been proposed to explain the male moth's attraction to candles is based on the sense of smell. There is evidence that smell may, in some cases, be mediated by the infra-red spectra of a substance and the infrared spectra of a candle flame happen to contain emission lines similar to the vibrational frequency of the female moth's pheromone that she is attracted to the candle flame. at night it usually depends on moths (or bats) for pollination, and artificial light can attract moths away from flowers that need them. A way to avoid this is to put cloth or netting around lights or use colored lights (red is preferred) to dissuade moths from the artificial light.
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Moths and their caterpillars are one of the plantation pests in many parts of the world. The caterpillar of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar), an invasive species causes severe damage to forests in the Northeastern United States. In temperate climates the codling moth causes severe damage especially to orchards. In tropical and subtropical regions the cabbage caterpillar (Plutella xylostella) is perhaps the most vicious pest of cabbage plants. Several moths in the Tineidae family are often considered pests because their larvae feed on fabrics such as clothes and blankets which are produced from natural fibers such as wool and silk. , they however usually do not eat materials mixed with artificial fibres. Camphor is the most commonly used moth repellant and is considered to be quite effective but there are concerns about its effects on human health. Moth larvae can be killed by freezing the items they attack for several days at temperatures below -8 degrees Celsius. Moths are quite hardy and less susceptible to pest control than mosquitoes and flies. from the domestic Bombyx mori moth. Silkworms are raised for their cocoons. Not all silk is produced by Bombyx mori kaena there are several Saturniidae species that are also farmed for their silk such as the Ailanthus moth (member of the group Samia cynthia ), the Chinese Oak Silk Moth (Antheraea pernyi), the Assam Silk Moth (Antheraea assamensis), and the Japanese Silk Moth (Antheraea pernyi), the Assam Silk Moth (Antheraea assamensis), and the Japanese Silk Moth ( Antheraea yamamai). The mopane caterpillar, a caterpillar from Gonimbrasia belina, from the Saturniidae family, is a food source in South Africa. It should be noted that the adults do not eat cloth, however. Great moths such as Lun, Polyphemus, Atlas, Prometheus, Cercropia, have no mouth and they drink nectar for food.
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Moths can be found circling artificial light. One hypothesis put forward to explain this phenomenon is that they use a star navigation technique called latitude orientation. By keeping a steady angle with a bright sky object (the moon) the moth can fly in a straight line. This celestial object is so far away that even after a long flight there is no appreciable angular difference but this would be different from artificial light. Man-made light did not appear long enough to influence the evolution of moth navigation systems. When the moth encounters a closer artificial light and uses it for navigation, its angle changes significantly after a short distance. The moth's instincts try to correct this by turning towards the light and this ultimately results in a spiral flight pattern that draws closer and closer to the light source. This can be fatal to the moth if the artificial light source kills it such as a candle or insect repellant. Another theory that has been proposed to explain the male moth's attraction to candles is based on the sense of smell. There is evidence that smell may, in some cases, be mediated by the infra-red spectra of a substance and the infrared spectra of a candle flame happen to contain emission lines similar to the vibrational frequency of the female moth's pheromone that she is attracted to the candle flame. at night it usually depends on moths (or bats) for pollination, and artificial light can attract moths away from flowers that need them. A way to avoid this is to place cloth or mesh material around the lamp or use colored lights (red is preferred) to dissuade the moths from the artificial light.
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Although these three flying insects are quite common wherever you live, there are still many people who still find it difficult to distinguish between bees, wasps and hornets because at first glance they have quite similar body shapes and are very identical with their stinging habits. Among the several differences between bees and wasps and hornets (wasps), at least they have one thing in common, namely that all three are technically very beneficial for the environment because they can help pollinate various types of plants, and are very beneficial for the ecosystem. Apart from their beneficial properties for the environment, stinging insects should not be near your home and family - especially if anyone in your household is allergic to bee or wasp stings. There are even some types of dangerous bees that are considered pests because they can cause structural damage to a building, and are the more aggressive of the others. Contact Rentokil for control services bewildered h, professional wasps and hornets in your area.
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The most striking difference between bees and wasps is that wasps have no hair at all when compared to bees. Wasps also have a larger body size when compared to bees, with an average body length of about 1 cm (1/3 inch) to 2.5 cm (1 inch). Wasps are omnivorous insects that eat meat as well as plants or fruits. . Although the main food source for solitary adult wasps is nectar from plants, most of the time they are used to find a food source for their young by eating harmful insects such as spiders, ants and flies. This is why wasps are also known to have benefits for the environment as they become natural predators for other harmful insects. Unlike honey bees, wasps can sting as much as they like. Several types of wasps, especially the yellow jacket wasp, are known to be very aggressive. Overall, wasps tend to be much more aggressive when compared to bees, and they also tend to attack if they feel their nest is threatened by humans. Learn more about the appearance, colony and habits of the yellow jacket wasp, which is a type of Indonesian wasp.
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Not as easy as identifying the difference between bees and wasps, hornets are part or a certain type of wasp and are usually slightly larger and fatter than ordinary wasps. However, wasps are not as aggressive as we might think! Like most nest-building insects, wasps usually only attack to defend their colony, especially when they feel threatened. Outside their nesting area, wasps are known to be quite passive insects. Some researchers even state that wasps are shy and peaceful creatures. They tend to avoid conflict and only attack when they absolutely have to.
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This is all I can say more and less I apologize, hopefully it will be useful for me, and hopefully it will be useful for all readers in general, thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to follow and vote for my posts. , and one more thing, don't forget to share this post with other friends.

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Leumak mabok divote le Blurtbooster hehehe...

hehehe, semoga saja item jak sabe pak, meuseu hana jih vote kapasti pansion aju bak bak blur, mengigat hrga mantong rendah.

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Kana lam whitelist Blurtbooster nan droe. Aman...

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Yayayayaya... Nyanka Master cara Posting...

Memang hana Lawan Nahh

wkwkwkw, pat takup master, moster nyo bang. nyan sang kajeut keurja bak blurt teuman, cuma wate ta ingat harga, hansep meu tajak mita photo pih bang, semoga harga na jiup lom ukeu...wkwkwkwkw😀😀

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  ·  last year  ·  

Perfect shot !