Sorry For Doing Plagiarism and its Reason And My experience of Traveling local buss

in r2cornell •  last year 



Have a Very Good Day to All of you am very Sorry and ashamed for my work which I posted these Posts.

Reason Behind This

For some days am missed this platform a lot because there was a mid exams preparation for my university work so am not ready to make posts here. And told to my elder brother to write some posts for blurt. Am very sorry about that and Now I feel Guilty and ready to work here with honesty.
@blurtbooster please forget about my mistake and i am sure that i will not do it again.

Brown Minimalist Sorry We're Closed Isntagram Post.png

And now I want to tell you about my journey to University this is a very pleasant journey which is enjoyed with my friends in the bus and some more excitement with their other passengers so let's start to the pay post without wasting your precious time.


So in the morning I start my journey with prayer of Allah almighty and after that want to see you at the bus stand. After waking a lot of time we reached at the bus stand and make sure to review the bus and talk to the conductor for take a ride in a very low price.

Affordable and Convenient Bus Trip

My Journey with Local Bus in a very Cheap Price

When I first decided to take a trip using the local bus system, I was a bit skeptical. I had always heard stories of long wait times, uncomfortable seats, and unreliable service. But when I learned that a one-way trip on the bus would only cost me a couple of dollars, I decided to give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised by my experience and would highly recommend taking a bus trip to anyone looking for an affordable and convenient way to travel.

The first thing I noticed when I arrived at the bus station was the number of different routes and destinations available. I was able to find a bus that would take me exactly where I needed to go, and the schedule had several options to choose from. I was also impressed by the number of amenities offered on the bus, including comfortable seating, air conditioning, and even free Wi-Fi.


Once I boarded the bus, I was greeted by the friendly driver who helped me find my seat and answered any questions I had about the trip. The bus was clean and well-maintained, and I was able to relax and enjoy the scenery as we traveled to our destination. The ride was smooth and comfortable, and I was able to work on my laptop and catch up on some emails thanks to the free Wi-Fi.

One of the things I appreciated most about my bus journey was the affordability. A one-way trip only cost me a couple of dollars, which is a fraction of what I would have paid for a train or plane ticket. And because the bus made several stops along the way, I was able to get off and explore different towns and cities, which added an exciting element to my trip.

Another benefit of taking the bus was the convenience. I didn't have to worry about the hassle of parking or dealing with traffic, and I was able to board the bus right from the city center, saving me time and effort. And because the bus made several stops along the way, I was able to get off and explore different towns and cities, which added an exciting element to my trip.

Overall, my journey with the local bus was a great experience. I was able to travel comfortably and affordably, and I discovered new places along the way. I would highly recommend taking a bus trip to anyone looking for an affordable and convenient way to travel. Whether you're a budget-conscious traveler or just looking for a new way to explore, the local bus is definitely worth considering.

In conclusion, Local bus is a great way to travel. Not only it is cheap but also it offers many amenities like comfortable seating, air conditioning, and even free Wi-Fi. Moreover, it is convenient as it saves time and effort, and also it makes several stops along the way which allows to explore different towns and cities. In a nutshell, it's a perfect way for budget-conscious travelers or for those who want to explore new places in a new way.

Reaching on Time in University and Learning as a Veloger

As a university student, one of the most important things to master is time management. This can be especially challenging when it comes to getting to class on time. But what if I told you that there's a way to not only arrive on time, but also get some exercise and reduce your carbon footprint? Enter the world of veloging - a combination of biking and taking public transportation.

Veloging is a great option for university students because it allows them to combine the convenience of biking with the reliability of public transportation. By biking to a nearby train or bus station, students can avoid traffic and parking hassles, and then take public transportation the rest of the way to campus. This not only saves time, but also reduces the student's carbon footprint.

One of the best things about veloging is that it's a great way to stay active and healthy. Biking to and from the train or bus station is a great way to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, and it's a great way to clear your head before and after class. Studies have shown that regular exercise can boost mood, improve focus, and reduce stress.

Another benefit of veloging is that it can save you money. A monthly pass for public transportation can be expensive, but if you're able to bike to the train or bus station, you can save money on transportation costs. Additionally, biking is a one-time cost, whereas owning a car comes with ongoing costs such as gas, maintenance, and insurance.

Veloging can also be a great way to explore your local area. By biking to different train or bus stations, you can discover new neighborhoods and places you might not have otherwise known existed. And because you're not stuck in a car, you can take in the sights and sounds of your community.


Of course, veloging isn't without its challenges. You'll need to invest in a quality bike and helmet, and make sure that you're comfortable biking in traffic. Additionally, you'll need to plan your route ahead of time and make sure that there's a train or bus station nearby. But with a bit of planning and preparation, veloging can be a great way to make the most of your time at university.


In conclusion, veloging is a great option for university students who want to arrive on time, stay active and healthy, save money, and reduce their carbon footprint. It is a combination of biking and taking public transportation, which can be a great way to explore your local area, as well as saving money on transportation costs. Veloging is not without its challenges but with a bit of planning and preparation, it can be a great way to make the most of your time at university.

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Good for apologizing, plagiarism is an offence. You can start writing original content that has value.