Alive and Thriving 3/16/2023- Resilience through Practice

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

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Resilience is the ability to withstand the slings and arrows that life brings. Resilience is also the ability to recover from harm and slights that we all will face. Sometimes, as we all know, the obstacles and setbacks we face seem massive and even insurmountable. Building our resolve and resilience is key to being alive and thriving, and the cost of our success is often a series of difficult trials.

Being resilient is a key to thriving in life. Anything that is worth pursuing will take work, and you will encounter critics in life, some of whom are harsh. Picking yourself up is important (persistence) and resilience is a frame of mind that facilitates growth. Growth is often painful, and the path to a worthwhile goal is often more of a marathon than a sprint.

I have been working to build up my own resilience in 2023. Strength of mind training involves both physical and mental conditioning. I faced a substantial financial setback in the last half of 2022 that was the result of many emergencies, and I was required to employ my resilience to move past it. Realizing that large losses will set you back, but that recovery is possible with work has strengthened my resolve. As we go through life, we face trials that put our current tasks in perspective, and perspective builds our resolve and resilience.

There are many inspirational videos on YouTube that I watch when I feel my resolve weakening after a trial. I also like reading true stories and watching movies based upon true instances where major obstacles are summited. Stories like that of the arctic expedition by Shackleton and the trials of the Apollo astronauts help inspire me. Resilience is built from not only springing back up from defeat, but also from skills and being able to lean on others in our team when the going gets rough.

Resilience is a requirement for skill-building in general. When we trial new endeavors, we will often fail at first. As an example, when I began my business, I faced a setback when fleshing out my plan. After over 3-years, I have tasted success, and the sum of the failures I endured brought me success. In a way, the price of success is a heap of failures which lead to the goal. As we age, we become forged by the fire of life, and we become resilient. It should be our goal to pass this on to future generations and convey the mindset and perspective we have earned.

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