in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

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It is generally accepted that women tend to be more spiritual than men and I agree with this statistic. However, spirituality should not be for a particular gender but both. I was raised by a Christian family, my mum and Dad were staunch Anglicans, rooted in faith. The fear of God I have in me today was evidence of their thorough nurture into the Christian faith. My Dad and mum worked hand in hand in guiding my siblings and me spiritually. They will always wake us up every morning for Bible reading and prayers, the same at night; there was nothing like break-in prayers and at a time, I felt like it was too much and I need to leave the house for a holiday🤩. You dare not miss the church program or Sunday school. The tradition remained the same even after the death of my Dad. My mum took over and would encourage us to always pray fervently because, for any single thing we need in life, Jesus can provide for us.

I later got married to my husband who is a Catholic. It's still a Christian faith and I have come to embrace my faith in Christ through the Eucharistic sacrament and every other spiritual activity that will lift my faith in the catholic church.

My husband prays but not like my Dad. You only find him praying fervently and reading almost all the Psalms in the Bible when I am about to enter the Labour room or when he is facing some life challenges. Every other good time, he will say that assurance covers him because he knows that I am always on my knees to pray for him and our children.

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My faith is in Christ Jesus and He loves me personally. I seek Him first, His kingdom and His righteousness and every other thing are added unto me- that's the word from the scripture and I draw my strength from it. I am a woman of prayer, I don't joke with my spirituality and I am nurturing my kids into that, just like my parents did to me so I am taking in their footsteps. I derive so much joy from my Christian faith, I have found peace in Christ Jesus and I have discovered that with him, there is always hope for me, even when I fall, I will rise again.

Most men think more about life than praying. They hustle day and night for a good leaving and tend to be weak to pray and maybe that's what interfering with their spirituality. However, that does not mean they are not spiritual, they are in their own way but generally, women are more spiritual maybe because of our soft hearts or we are naturally endowed with the gift of spirituality from God. It's mostly women that put their children into spirituality in different families, just a few men do that from my observation so far.

Thanks for reading!!

Previously published Here

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