in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

There comes a time in our lives when we need to have a deep self examination and embrace change where necessary, and most importantly changing for the good of ourselves.

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I feel a little bit ashamed to talk about this area of my personality because I think it's a great weakness. I have a fragile heart; I am too emotional and that's my personality that deals with me and I would love to change if possible.

I discovered this particular personality of mine far back while I was still in secondary school and it made me to be very careful while socializing with my friends. Little things get into me so easily, little misunderstanding or quarrel I will start crying especially if I am innocent of the whole issue.

It continued that way till now as a mother. I couldn't stand to watch three of my Son's circumcision, there is no injection given to my baby during immunization that I don't cry🤦. Ordinary watching my baby in pain, it gets into me so easily and the next thing is to start crying. Did I mention watching wrestling? the first time I tried it, I couldn't withstand it atall.

If by mistake I have misunderstanding with my hubby, it's always a bad experience with this my personality, I will be totally weigh down, my heart bits and I have no peace until everything align again even when it's obvious that I wasn't the cause of the quarrel. This is a weakness I feel and I needed to be more strong over all the life challenges for myself and my children and not the other way round.

Could this be changed? What feasible method should I adopt to bring an end to this personality of mine? I would appreciate any suggestions in the comment section.

Thank you so much for reading.

Remember to keep staying positive and be happy 😊❣️💕

Previously published Here

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This is a tough one. Having a fragile heart has its cons and anyone that has suffered because of it will always want to change that personality. But, let's not forget that it also has its good side. I take it as a visible sign of compassion. Having it as a Mum is never a minus sign. Hehe.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


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