village area

in r2cornell •  4 months ago 

This is my little trip around Pohroh village roads, in the picture a few days ago I visited different road areas...

Located 7 km from the previous location, I passed through a small passage between the river and a long road to get there. Not far from the village, I can still say it's in the village area even though there are no houses around.
Actually, there weren't many objects that I could take in this area, the river flow looked quite far away and the smartphone camera was not able to reach that far area, even though it looked less than optimal.

There was only some woodland that might be present material, I continued above the crest of a small path to reach a view overgrown with weeds. However, Bagus could be seen on the other side of the river, farmers were burning corn husks.
At this location I tried to take several pictures in this area. Such as various huts in the middle of the rice fields and also cornflowers.

Inilah sedikit perjalanan saya mengelilingi jalan desa Pohroh, pada gambar beberapa hari yang lalu saya mengunjungi berbagai ruas jalan...

Berjarak 7 km dari lokasi sebelumnya, saya melewati lorong kecil antara sungai dan jalan panjang untuk sampai ke sana. Tak jauh dari desa, saya masih bisa bilang berada di kawasan desa meski tidak ada rumah disekitarnya.
Sebenarnya tidak banyak objek yang bisa saya ambil di kawasan ini, aliran sungai terlihat cukup jauh dan kamera smartphone pun tidak mampu menjangkau kawasan sejauh itu, meski terlihat kurang maksimal.

Hanya ada beberapa hutan yang mungkin ada materialnya, saya melanjutkan perjalanan melewati puncak jalan kecil untuk mencapai pemandangan yang ditumbuhi rumput liar. Namun, Bagus terlihat di seberang sungai, para petani sedang membakar kulit jagung.
Di lokasi ini saya mencoba mengambil beberapa gambar di kawasan ini. Seperti aneka gubuk di tengah sawah dan juga bunga jagung





📷 PictureSmartphone
ModelVivo X60 pro
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