I Don't Think Anyone Says Like Father. #Father's Day

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 


Dad means the shadow of a huge banyan tree in the hot sun. Baba means absolute shelter, safe sanctuary. Is there really a place of dependence like Dad? There is no comparison between the relentless work of fathers and sacrifices for the family. Every year on the third Sunday of June, Father's Day is celebrated all over the world to express the passion, love and respect of all the fathers of the world.


‘Dad said, don’t sing any more. Why did he say that, he could not say that. 'In many families in our country, there are so many unspoken words with the father, many unanswered questions remain with the father throughout his life. Although there are many exceptions among those who are now new fathers, what is the traditional unwritten rule? Many fathers hide the nectar of their children's affection behind a little respect, fear, self-control and a heavy mask. The mother is hugged whenever she wants, whatever she wants is said, she can be overwhelmed with joy and pleasure, as the children grow up, many fathers become a little numb to open their minds in front of their children. Again, there are many families where the father is beside the children like a friend, their childish whims, the stubbornness of adolescence become the companion of everything with absolute affection.

Father's self-sacrifice, endless love-rule — there is no comparison in the world. In a country like ours, where the father is the breadwinner in most of the families, the father takes on the responsibility of feeding the child and the family, education, treatment and all the hobbies. They work hard for a secure present and a secure future for the child. Instead of eating on his own, he spends his life with ripped or sewn clothes and dry shoes. There are so many fathers in our country! These words can be thought of a little more on this day of Father's Day.


As children grow older, as fathers grow older, old age brings a tidal wave to their bodies and minds. All the responsibilities of the world, all the needs cannot be met by pushing the mountain like before, and after retiring from the job, due to the weight of age and long indefatigable hard work, the body also gets grains, various diseases. At this time the geographical or psychological distance with the children becomes the cause of the father's distress. The father should give time to the children noticing this time. He should try not to feel that he is unnecessary or insignificant.

On this day of Father's Day, a beautiful afternoon can be spent with the father for a long time, laughing, talking, reminiscing. If you stay in the same house with your father and the whole family, you can arrange your father's favorite food and eat it at the same time. There is a strange joy in listening to the story and cooking a favorite dish of the father to surprise him. This mango season can be decorated with various mangoes, jackfruits and litchis, but it can be a very nice gift.


Another thing about fathers is that they are easily reluctant to buy something a little expensive, something special for themselves. Their Eid is celebrated in Punjabi bought last year. He took the old shoe in ink and continued it day after day. Observing and knowing his favorite things with a little care, but not very difficult. A beautiful leather wallet, a pair of running shoes to go to Morningwalk, a Punjabi who is fond of fine work or a simple smartphone to match the era যুগ how much can be bought for a father! At first he showed a little hypocritical anger, but later he will show everyone the gift given by the child with absolute interest and happiness, everyone knows this.

Books can also be given as a gift to the father to spend a good time in leisure. And for the father of his children, any desired gift, hand-made cards with the children, cooking any of his favorite food — all these will fill the day with joy. With equal importance and sincerity for the father of the spouse, the success of the family is revealed in the planning and organization of the Father's Day, but the family bond is strengthened.

There is a lot of criticism in the western society that many people end their duty by sending expensive gifts, flowers, chocolates and cards to their father on Father's Day. But in our society, even when family ties are strong, why do parents stay in old age homes, why do eighty-year-old rickshaw pullers and peddlers drag their weak body for rice, why are expatriate children rarely seen on Messenger or WhatsApp?


Today is no better day than Father's Day to find answers to these questions. How many people's fathers have passed away in Corona today? Today, let us take the conviction that we should openly acknowledge the love of our father, at least in return, even if it is never possible. Because, I don't think anyone like my father says, 'Come on, come on baby'.

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Thank you very much @scilwa

Have a good day.