Today I will give you a data about the settings of WhatsApp

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Assalamalaikum All the family of Serey stage, I genuinely want to believe that you are generally well and sound. There are numerous requests for everybody in this period of Ramadan, may Allah acknowledge us in this long stretch of Ramadan, everybody will appeal to God for everybody.


Today I will give you a data about the settings of WhatsApp. You can see this data shared by our Yasin Bhai previously. Serey stage has his name "opsin". In the event that you check his profile, you can see and gain proficiency with a few significant posts. He examines in full detail. For your benefit, I have shared the screen capture of his profile with you here.

I imparted to you a screen capture of the post that I composed this post to you today. You can come and check whether you need.

I would rather not examine WhatsApp exhaustively here since Allready he has talked about exhaustively about WhatsApp unique finger impression. That is my conversation today. He has talked about exhaustively how to make your whatsapp security all the more hard. After I saw that post, I myself didn't go to that setting and open the finger impression. The individuals who use WhatsApp should deal with these frill so your security will be fortified.

Today I have imparted to you up until this point, I will acquire more the future, you should appeal to God for me. God favor all of you.

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