My first ever salary as a PHYSIOTHERAPIST....

in r2cornell •  11 months ago  (edited)

Earning your own money is a wonderful feeling of accomplishment and independence.

When we receive our first salary, it's a moment of pride and fulfillment. It signifies the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, where we can start taking charge of our own financial responsibilities. It's a tangible result of the efforts we put into our work and a validation of our skills and abilities.
when I received my first salary, it felt like a dream come true. I had worked tirelessly, putting in long hours and giving my best to my job. Seeing that payment in my hands gave me a sense of satisfaction and motivation to keep pushing forward.

With that first paycheck, we often have a mix of emotions. We feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing that our hard work has been recognized and rewarded. There's also a feeling of independence, as we can now make our own financial decisions and support ourselves.

For many of us, that first salary holds a special place in our hearts. It's a reminder of the journey we've embarked on, the challenges we've overcome, and the growth we've experienced. It's a symbol of our determination and resilience.

As we continue to receive salaries throughout our careers, that initial feeling of excitement may fade a bit, but the importance of hard work and the satisfaction of earning our own money remains. Each paycheck becomes a reminder of our ongoing efforts and the opportunities that lie ahead.
Here is the small story. I got home session. The patient was a stroke patient. The secone one was a cerbral palsy children. It was rrally a hood experience with both if them as i really learned alot. At first i was really anxious about home sessions, but when i tried all of my worries just get away like a click. Now i have much more confidence in myself and i am ready for more independent home session.

What did i bought for myself on my first salary?

1- Getting your hands on a pair of ear pods with your first salary is such a satisfying feeling because i wamted to buy them froma long time
and at the same time i didnt wanted ti borrow money from my parents for this purpose. I remember how I had been eyeing a similar purchase for a while, and when I finally got them, it was pure bliss.


Having a good set of headphones or ear pods can completely enhance our audio experience. The sound quality becomes more immersive, allowing us to truly appreciate the music or podcasts we love. It's like stepping into a whole new world of crystal-clear tunes and rich bass.

One of the things that makes ear pods so desirable is their convenience. They are compact and wireless, making them easy to carry around and use on the go. Whether you're commuting, working out, or just relaxing at home, you can always have your favorite music right at your fingertips.

And let's not forget about the touch sensors! They add a touch of modernity and ease to the whole experience. With a simple tap or swipe, you can control your music, answer calls, or activate voice assistants. It's like having a mini command center right in your ears.


But it's not just about the features and technology. Owning a pair of ear pods can also be a statement of personal style. There are so many different designs and colors to choose from, allowing us to express our individuality and match our own unique tastes.

I'm glad that the sound quality and bass on ear pods are excellent. It's amazing how these tiny devices can deliver such impressive audio performance. It's like having a front-row seat to your favorite band's concert, or being transported into the world of your favorite movie.
2- second product i bought for myself is the neck rest for travelling. Because every month i jave to travel for about 6-8 hours from hostl to hone and then home to back hostel. And trust me every time my neck pain kills me too badly to bear. So, in order to get rid of this problem i bought this neck rest.

Trust me it is too soft for the neck. Totally loving it. Now i can travell without bearing pain. And everytime i reach my destination with a smiling face rather than sadness or tiredness on my face.

3- last but not least. Makeup is essentail part of every girl's life. For me, i abosultely love makeup. How could i forget about it when i had my own cash. Wo i bought some beautiful coloured eye / lip pencils.

Oh my goodness, definitely these are just love.
Here it is lets wait for some more work or getting a proper job.

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