Home sessions part-I #PHYSIOTHERAPIST

in r2cornell •  10 months ago 

I recently got graduated. I guess its been almost three months and trust me as you become a graduate person the tension to find a good job never lets you sleep peacefuly. Yes, same thing happening with me. Most of my fellows started their MASTERS DEGREE but i dont want to do my master from my country. I wanna apply for a good scholorship because i dont want to spend my parents my on my higher level education. I want to do my masters on my own expenses.

Well, these days i am struggling hard to find a job. I am also doing my internship in a nearby hospitl because practice makes a man perfect so i am gaining more and more experience. Its been almost two years of my internship. During this period i learned alot.

Recently my friend suggested me hmto try hone sessions , at first i didnt agreeb but then i thought it as an adventure and agreed. When it eas my first session i came to know that people take it very light when a physiotherapist gives them a hone session. They think that the next person is soo in compulsion to do this and they try their best to pay less and less. This really hurt me alot. Even i got disrespect from a fmily too...but this didt diacourged me.

From last, i am going for a home session of an old day. Thank goodness , thank goodness that family is too welcoming and kind. They actually treat me like a doctor and give me the real respect. I am really satisfied with them. Every day they treat me with their kind gestures and welcoming nature. Every time they talk to me with a kind smile on their face. What other thing i can desire for?

Now let me tell you about my patient. She is an old lady of an about 60 years old. She has kidney problem , diabetic andd knee osteoarthritis. She also goes for her dialysis every monday and thursday. I give her therapy for her bilateral(means both sides) knee osteoarhritis and mechanical neck pain.
This is thee picture i clicked today while giving her session. It is called as TENS: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimualtor. It has three modes:
1-TENS for pain managment
2-EMS (electrical muscle stimulation)
2- massage
I use TENS mode for her pain mangement. It is really an affective devisce. I know becaus i have tried it ob my self too...

Well, let me tell you one more goof thing that they always ask me for lunch or a glass of water. Some time just asking is enough...it makes you feel food. And they dont only ask but also serve me with delicois food. Let me share my today's lunch.

Chilled cold drink...my all time favourite and sweet juice. AH, it was soo satisfying. I was feeling energetic after drinking these chiled drinks.
Here in my area it is called as SHAWARMA. I know it has diffefent names in different reigons of the wolrd. Some used to say it a wrap too.... But let me clear it is not a tortilla wrap.
It contains:
Fresh bread
Spicy shreded chicken
Chopped cucumber
Chooped onion
Vineger dipped cucumber
Special spices
Special sauce
All these items make it soo delicious that my heart always desire for a second one too after eating my first shawarma. But unfortunatly my toomy gets full every time having one.

Cut to end, i am satisfy with this home session. Although they are not paying me a handsome amount but it okay. Their kind and wlecoming nature melted my heart so i couldnt resist mysefl for give her home session. Now i just pray for her good and speedy recovery. Not only her but for every person in pain.

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