12 Nov-Happy Sunday

in r2cornell •  10 months ago 

spending weekend in hostel has different vibe. Because here in hostel we are totally independent, no one to ask about our activities. Although its good as well as bad too, but i guess it depends on people to whether enjoy this golden period of life with some good memories or spoil it with foolishness. Oh goodness i am sounding like a senior citizen hahahah....its okay

well, today i wanna share how i spent my Sunday. First i woke up late. Although i had to wake up early but like always i couldn't. Actually i had a home session today at sharp 12:00 pm and guess what i woke up at 11:40 am. at first i was really shocked but i got ready quickly in 5 to 10 minutes....yeah i am that girl who doesn't take much longer time to get ready. AS i stepped out of the hostel building, i looked around and oh my goodness .....the weather was just awesome. Let me show you the beautiful picture of bright blue clear sky with cotton like pure white clouds:

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Isnt it cool or eye captivating? Of course it is...and you you can have idea about my photography skills too....

well, o ordered a drive and reached my destination a little bit late. But you know what during home session, being a little bit late doesn't even matter. As i stepped into the house, everyone welcomed me with their kind smiles and then i started my session. After one and half an hour my session ended and suddenly their lady showed with a cute little bowl in her hands. Yeah she was offering me something absolutely delicious t eat. It was KHEER. Actually its a mixture of milk,suger and blended rice. In my country it is called as kheer. Oh goodness it was chilled and too delicious.

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Well, after that i came back to hostel. Weather was still too good so i though to click some creative pictures. I picked a book from my cupboard and went to the nearby fields. There i clicked a few photos as i love clicking photos specially photography of the nature. I dont know why but every time i feel it as a good therapy for my aggression as well as depression and anxiety. Let me show you the best pictures of the day:

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From all the clicks of today , these two are my favorite one. Aren't these beautiful? Of course these are...as these are clicked by me.. HAHAHAHA
I still remeber those days when i literally had no hobby. I used to lie down on my bed all the day. Thoese were the actual dark days of my life. And one day my inner self provoked me that this is not you, you can do much better in your life rather than being an idle all the day along. So, from that day i started clicking pictures of the nature. i know i am not a professional or pro...but who is here to judge.

Okay, lets come back to our story...it was getting dark so i started thinking about dinner. So i made chicken cutlets. All time favorite of both of us. Trust me they were soo delicious.

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long story short, it was a random good day. Spent in some leisure as well as in good activities. And from tomorrow again my internship routine will start. I will be at clinic in the evening. This time i really took a long vacation. I guess i am going back after 15 to 17 days. But its okay, i remember i was the most regular student there and it was for the very first time when i took this long leave.
Well lets hope for more good days. Till then bye bye and have a good sleep. :) :) :)

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