RE: There are 3 Books of Enoch

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There are 3 Books of Enoch

in r2cornell •  7 months ago  (edited)

Very good post. All the Secrets of the Divine “ Son of a Man” , Bar Enosh YHVH and Ashera-EL are contained in these 3 books of Enoch. @enoch1 … you need to learn Aramaic and @Hebrew to understand these books.

Dan 7:13 - “I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was presented before Him.

The Son of Man.—Yeshuah (Jesus) our Saviour adopts the title which designates Him as Judge (Matthew 24:27, &c.). The title implies one descended from man; but as this Person is spoken of as being “like” one of human descent, it follows that He was not merely a man. The early Jewish and Christian interpretations that this is the Messiah are confirmed by our Saviour’s solemn appropriation of the title to Himself (Matthew 24:30). In this verse the judgment is supposed to have already taken place upon earth, and the Son of Man (Bar Enash) comes in the clouds to claim His Kingdom.

Cambridge Commentary :

with the clouds of heaven in superhuman majesty and state. The passage is the source of the expression in Mark 14:62 (Matthew 26:64 ‘on’); Revelation 1:7, ‘behold, he cometh with the clouds:’ cf. Matthew 24:30 (‘on’) = Mark 13:26 (‘in’) = Luke 21:27 (‘in’); and Revelation 14:14 (‘one sitting on a cloud, like unto a Son of Man’), 15, 16.

Significantly, Jesus is the only person qualified to take both titles:

"Son of Man" because He was biologically descended from humans because He was the Son of Mary
"Son God" because He was also biologically descended from God as per Luke 1:35 which encapsulates both -

The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.

Hebrews well versed in Scripture would have been familiar with the Messianic prophecy in Dan 7:13 which also provided another source of wonder for them - How could this humble carpenter be Messiah and King of Israel, the "Son of Man" prophesied by Daniel?? …. Little wonder they wanted to kill Him.

Son of Man in the NT

In the NT, the title for Jesus, "Son of Man" occurs 86 times, 82 of these in the Gospels such as Matt 8:20, 9:6, 10:23, 11:19, 12:8, 32, 40, etc, and almost always in the mouth of Jesus. Indeed, it was (based on frequency) Jesus favorite title for Himself - in the Gospels the title is used only in the mouth of Jesus.

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