Schools and their sports activities.

in r2cornell •  11 months ago 

The best days of schools used to be the days when we used to have the sports periods. The major annual day celebrations used to have sports event hosted with at least a month of practice and competitions. Those used to be the best and most memorable days of my school days.


These are the glances of Kendriya Vidyalaya School from uppal metro station. This took me back to remember my school days and sports events.


We, being from the small cities, were not privileged enough to get such good exposure in sports and music. I barely even had play grounds in my school. To host any sports even, our schools used to take us to the stadium and conducted it there. Going to the stadium and participating there was a great deal for us. We used to be so excited and enthusiastic about it.


Now a days, students have all the options, apportunity and acces to exploring all the fields and streams, from a very tender age, but not all of them are interested in it. They are more into their gadgets and internet. They are so much involved in the friction that they barely know what all they are blessed with in reality.


Till last two decades, they don't even used to give so much importance to these activities because they were extracurricular. The parents and teachers were both so strict and rigid about their main curriculum that they never let or allowed us to explore all those basic things which were called extras. Today, I am glad the trend has changed, and many people are letting their students to opt these extracurricular as their main stream professions.


Nowadays, a child has the authority and choice to pursue what they like. They can convert their passion into their profession. They have the liberty to choose their profession and pursue their dreams in any field or stream they like. No work or profession is small. Even the Sky cannot define or limit you if you are passionate to do something. Today, one can define their own limits and sky if they have the passion and courage to pursue it. The battle is easier now because people are favourable and parents are supportive.


I am proud that my nephew Ishan Qadeer is building his carer and living his father's and his dream of lawn tennis while studying. He is playing national level tennis and getting recognition for not just his family and school but also for his entire city.

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