Poem sunset sunday

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

At school, you will be introduced to literary works in the form of poetry in Indonesian lessons. Poetry is packaged in imaginative language and wording that is dense and full of meaning so that it contains its own aesthetic value. In fact, poetry is also considered as a series of words that describe the feelings of the author. Usually, poetry is composed stanza by stanza with a condensation of all the elements of simple language called concentric. Although it is concentric, poetry is also rich in meaning because, there are many figures of speech, connotative words, and figurative words that have many meanings or interpretations.








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On this beach I see a lot of people are playing here They waited for evening to come To see the sun come into his house I ponder on the edge I looked at the beach deeply I see the waves dancing As if begging to be noticed Now evening is coming The sun is ready to go home Everything is perfect This view successfully spoil my eyes.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


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