in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

My life has been a roller coaster ride mixed with an experience of joyful and painful moments this month, well I haven’t been able to get my mental health stable because of what happened during these past weeks but I hope I could get myself together with time as am putting myself in order and am writing this post which I believe would help me standout quickly.

This month of November has really been one to remember in my life and this year, I lost a very close friend on the 7th of this month and that has really made my mental health shaky because we were together that morning on that day at the church and we spoke for quite sometime there and when I got the news from my mom the next day that he was electrocuted by a fan he was trying to clean that Sunday evening, I was in shock and found it very difficult to believe and accept the fact that his life has been shorten off. I believe that’s what’s prompted my mental state to be unbalanced like how it was.
While I was still in an utter perplexation by the news I went to play football at a mini pitch close to where I live and I ended up losing my smartphone there. I took my smartphone to play football and usual I don’t take my phone out to play football but I had to do that because I wanted taking a video of my playing style and then upload it to my social media page and a trial page for me to be spotted by a scout to play in a trail and maybe end up playing professional football home or abroad. I got to the pitch on time and had myself selected in a team by the head there and before the kickoff , I gave someone my phone to hold for me till after the game and he passed the phone down to another person and the second person he gave the phone gave it to the third and that’s literally the end of the line because the third guy couldn’t remember the person’s name and couldn’t recognize his face either, I found the whole thing so hard to believe in because the story is just funny and I know that my phone has gone a mile away from me when I spoke to the last person with the phone.

When I got home, I tried calling my number but it’s up to no good because the phone was ringing but they were absolutely no answer to the multiple calls put through from my family members and myself. I had to block the phone because my personal details were in it and if it falls into a criminal’s hands, I could lose most of my saved properties digitally.

I’ve been using my laptop to get in touch with some of my friends and also with the blurt community hoping to earn more blurt as a passive income to get a new phone before next year. Well, this November has really made a mark on my heart for me to remember all that happened through this month so far.
Photos taken from iphone 6s

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