Giving Fertiliser To the land.

in r2cornell •  4 years ago 

It is a rainy day here in Bangladesh. It is good for the farmers here. Their crops will be good now. In the afternoon i went there to see around and i saw that he is giving fertiliser the land of grass. After the rain the soil is so soft and it's the perfect time to give some fertiliser there. After giving it to land if the rain comes again then it is so good for the land.

Image is taken by me with Poco f1.

As soon as the rain goes away then we went to buy some and back with fertiliser. After that i stand there he doing the work. It looks so amazing after the rain, so fresh and so clean, i like that view very much.

Image is taken by me with Poco f1.

That is some little grass and the white balls are the fertilisers. After sometime the soild will have the fertiliser and give it to the crops.
Have a good day everyone.

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