Idris, known to Muslims as Hazrat Idris (AS), is the third prophet sent to mankind according to Islamic history.

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

Establishing brotherhoo between angel and prophet:
Idris, known to Muslims as Hazrat Idris (AS), is the third prophet sent to mankind according to Islamic history. According to Muslim belief, he received prophethood from the Creator after the first prophet of Islam, Adam. There is disagreement about his birthplace. According to some, he was born in Babylon, Iraq. According to some, he was born in Egypt. He is thought to be the Enoch mentioned in the Bible.


A stranger stayed with Hazrat Idris (AS) for three days. Idris (peace be upon him) doubted in his mind that this person was not a human being. So he said, "By Allah, tell me your true identity." The stranger said, I am not a man.

I am an angel. My name is Malakul-Maut Azrael (AS).

Hazrat Idris (AS) said, "Are you the one who captures the souls of all the creatures of the world?" Malakul-Maut said, yes. Hazrat Idris (AS) asked him again, but it seems that you have come to capture me.

Malakul-Maut said, No, I have come to establish brotherhood with you. My sincere wish is that you will agree to my proposal.

Hazrat Idris (AS) said, "I am willing to establish brotherhood with you on one condition if you allow me to enjoy the state of death once." If you could let me enjoy the state of death right now, I would be very much benefited. I could worship Allah more for fear of death.
Malakul-Mawt said, "I cannot do this without the permission of Allah." God has not yet commanded me to capture your soul. Hadrat Idris (AS) said: Seek permission from Allah.

When Malakul-Mawt seeks permission from Allah, Allah grants him permission. With permission, Malakul-Mawt captured the life of Hazrat Idris (AS). After capturing the soul, Malakul-Maut Azrael (AS) again prayed to Allah to restore the soul of Hazrat Idris (AS). God answered his prayer.

Then the angel Azrael (AS) asked Hazrat Idris (AS), Brother Idris! How did you feel while charming Jan? Hadrat Idris (AS) said, "If the skin of the body of a living creature falls from head to toe, the form of the animal suffers as much as I suffer."Malakul-maut said, brother Idris! I have not captured anyone's life as easily as I have done so far.

Tactical ascension to heaven:
Hadrat Idris (peace be upon him) said to Hadrat Azrael (peace be upon him): If you showed me Hell, I would be more focused on worshiping for fear of Hell.

Malakul-Maut took him to the gates of Hell to show him Hell. He said after seeing hell, brother Azrael! I have a great taste in seeing heaven. I would be eternally grateful to you if you could fulfill this taste of mine.
Malakul-Maut said, "If you promise me that you will come back to me as soon as you see heaven, then I can show you heaven."

When Hazrat Idris (AS) agreed to this, Malakul-Mawt took him to see heaven. At the gates of heaven, Hazrat Idris (AS) took off his shoes and entered heaven. He wandered in heaven for some time. He then returned to Malakul-Mawt and kept his promise. Immediately he ran and entered heaven again. Malakul-maut called him and said, brother Idris! Why did you enter heaven again? Come out early. I will bring you back to earth.


Hazrat Idris (AS) replied from inside heaven, Brother Azrael! Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): Every creature will taste death once and no one will go to heaven without seeing Hell once. I once tasted death and saw hell. Then I came out of heaven and kept my promise to you. So now I will never go out of heaven again. You can go to work.

Malakul-Mawt, hearing the reply of Hazrat Idris (AS), could not decide his duty and stood up. Allah then looked at Hazrat Azrael (AS) and said, Azrael! Let Idris stay in heaven. In his destiny I have recorded such incidents. Then Hazrat Idris (AS) lived happily in heaven.

Idris' Identity:
He was a famous prophet. Many legends in his name have been narrated in the books of Tafsir. That is why he is widely known in public. There is disagreement as to whether Idris (peace be upon him) was a prophet before Noah (peace be upon him) or a prophet after him. However, according to most of the Sahabis, he was the next prophet after Noah (AS). Tafsir Ma'areful Quran p.452.

Allah says, ‘You discuss Idris in this book. Surely he was a truthful man and a prophet. ‘We raised him to a high rank’ (Mariam: 56-57).

In Surah Maryam, after the discussion of Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Aaron, Moses, Zachariah, Yahya, Isa Ibn Maryam and Idris (AS), Allah says:

These are the prophets whom Allah has specially favored to be among the prophets. These are the descendants of Adam and the descendants of those whom We carried in the ark with Noah and the descendants of Abraham and Israel (Jacob) and those whom We have guided and chosen (for the faith). When the verses of the Merciful Allah were recited to them, they fell down in prostration and wept '(Maryam: 56).

This verse indicates that Idris (AS) was the next prophet after Prophet Noah (AS). However, Noah and Idris were prophets close to the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), just as Abraham (peace be upon him) was close to the Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) and Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob were close to the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him). All the people after Noah are descendants of Noah. Kurtubi

It is to be noted that Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas, Ka'b Al-Ahbar, Suddi, etc., in order to go to see the Paradise of Hazrat Idris (AS), to ascend in the physical body through angels and to be buried in the 4th heaven by Malakul Mut, then stay there, etc. All the descriptions on the subject found in the books of Tafsir are baseless Israelites. Kurtubi,

It is to be noted that in the Holy Qur'an, Hazrat Idris (AS) is described in Surah Maryam 57, 58 and Surah Ambiya 65.

Qurtubi said that the name of Idris (as) was 'Akhnukh' and that he was the great-grandfather of the Prophet Noah (as). Thus the long lineage of other prophets which is usually described has no proper basis. The true knowledge of all this is with Allah alone. The narration of Ibn Hibban (No. 361) from Hadrat Abu Jarr Ghaffari (R) that Idris (AS) was given 30 Sahifas is Zayef.

Qurtubi said that the main proof of the fact that he was not a prophet before Noah is that when Adam (peace be upon him) met the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the first heaven in Mi'raj, he greeted the Prophet and said: Greetings to the children and the good prophet '. Then when he met Hazrat Idris (AS) in the 4th heaven, he said to the Prophet, "Greetings to the righteous brother and the righteous prophet." Muttafaq alaih, Mishkat H / 582 ‘Mi’raj’ paragraph.

Qadi Ayaz says that if Idris (AS) had been a prophet before Noah (AS), then he would have greeted the last Prophet (SAW) not as a 'good brother' but as a 'good child'. As Adam, Noah and Abraham said. He said that Noah was the first messenger sent to all people. As the last prophet was the last messenger sent to all people. And Idris (AS) was a prophet sent to his people. Such as Hud, Saleh and other prophets.

Note that the reason why Adam, Noah and Abraham are mentioned here as 'Father' is that Adam is the original father of mankind. Noah is the second father of mankind and Abraham is the father of all his later prophets.

It is narrated that Hazrat Idris (AS) was the first human being to be given astronomy and arithmetic as a miracle. He was the first human being to initiate the art of writing and sewing with the help of pen according to the inspiration of Allah. Before him, people usually used animal skins as clothing. He was the first to invent the method of weighing and measuring and the method of making weapons by iron and its use started from his time. He made weapons and waged jihad against the Qabil tribe. Qurtubi, Mariam 57; Tafsir Ma'areful Quran p.836.

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