Deep love between Raju and Malati

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

Malati and Raju, the protagonists of the deer hunting story, the title of the Bengali story that I wrote today.


Raju saw a wife bathing naked through the train window that day.
A woman with a handsome face turned pale and cold water rolled down her yellow body. The rare sight quickly faded away through the windows of the rushing train, as the deer moved into the forest. He turned his head and looked back through the window. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. Raju was terribly excited to see.

The time is mid-afternoon. The afternoon train on the Down Katwa-Bandel line means a sense of humor. A single line and double line work is going on. From Bella Barreta onwards, trains that depart for Bandel or Howrah take up to an hour and a half, or even two hours, to reach the place of the up trains.

Raju goes to Kolkata by this afternoon train. One day a week. He goes two days a week when there is a lot of stress. Raju has a shop in Dhatrigram. Clothing store. Weaving is very famous in Dhatrigram, Kalna and Samudragarh areas. She wears sari with weavers not only for her own shop. There are a few shops in the big market that supply the goods they need.

And from there they bring synthetic sari-cloth, sari of Bangladesh. This time the value of Bangladeshi sarees is very high in Pujo market. The design is good, the price is low. The weavers are saying that foreign sari will beat their rice this time. The next week Raju sat by the window with a seat. Behula perale he said yes and stayed outside! But no! He did not see anything. As the train hurried out, he was thrilled to be at that particular place.
He saw a bucket, wet soil and shade. Nothing else caught my eye. But did he not see? But so what? That day he clearly saw the naked body of a woman. He is taking water from a bucket in front of him in a plastic mug and throwing it upside down on his body. Water is falling with yellow back! One day Raju did what he did and fell down at Semrabazar station.

Now he has to walk a lot along the line. Raju also started walking on foot as all the lakes continued to move towards the destination. He will call the warehouse of Marayari in Barabazar saying that his body is bad. If not, tomorrow will go. Now see the mystery. Don't go! After finishing the train line, Raju found a narrow path on foot. The path went down through the fuck of the trees. Raju started going down with that.
A neighborhood in front, again, if it is a village, it is a village. People who have been evicted from Bangladesh live. Darma's house, tile on his head. Finding a little space, he planted fruit-root and vegetable trees. That woman lives in such a house. There is a well behind the house. Stepping hesitantly in that neighborhood, suddenly a call came from inside a house, this boy, I didn't want to come here to drink a little. Suddenly he was startled.

He looked and saw an old widow. Sitting in one of those three houses. Jute fence. The old woman is calling him from inside. Raju entered the house on foot. The old woman shouted, and how long will he pour water on the body! Payati people, that will catch a cold. Come here, Swapan's friend Niranjan is coming, take him. The old woman turned to Raju again and said, "Dad, you are so late!"

Khuk kashal raju. The old woman goes on to say, ‘This is the dream that left Sidin Chinnai. He cooks in the hotel; the owner does not give leave. He said mother, a friend of mine will come, take your mother-in-law to the doctor. You have come and we have no fear. Otherwise, I can tell you where I will go on holiday with this old beggar Aman Samatta wife!
Swapnai or Kaddin will stay at home.

Raju was looking at the house. Two darma houses. There is a lot of shade inside the house as there are all kinds of trees around. Shalikhera relaxes in that shadow. There is light air. Rajura is not very rich. Once he came from the other side of his house and suffered so much. Now he has taken over his father's business. Business is spreading around. The store has two boys. The fact that he is going to Calcutta, the two boys run the shop.

The old woman kept saying in her mind, I told Swapan, that you will leave, we are two helpless girls alone, how can we handle everything. When he said that. Raju realized that he was getting involved in a fad. Came to satisfy temporary temptation, driven by sexual arousal in the pull of youth. Coming here, someone mistakenly gave his own name, becoming an unknown-unknown character. The old woman leaned over his face and said in a low voice, “I have just called Radhamadhab, Lord, save my family. If the Lord wanted to raise his face. The mother-in-law did not take a bath this month.

A woman came out of the house. The rhythm of the deer at his feet. Is this a coverless bath?
Now there is no way to see him. There is a cheap printed sari later. With matching blouse. Seeing the navel, abdomen and developed breasts, Raju became erect.

The inside of his chest rumbled and called out. Will he stay now, or will he leave home alone? If he knows that he is not Niranjan, the feeling of grunting inside Honor Raju has remained the same, increasing and decreasing.
Yet he is not looking for a way to escape. It seems a little more, a little more. Let's see what happens. He is clinging to the shell of an unknown man, saturating his mind, he has now firmly accepted what he is thinking! Yes, now he is Niranjan.

In his mind he kept repeating this new name again and again, Niranjan, Niron. Oh, what a beautiful name!
The old woman kept saying, go, father, go inside. Oh booma, give Niru this water of Nebu.
As he approached the woman, he said, "Is it difficult to recognize the road?
No, I walked straight along the line.
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‘Sit at home, make lemonade’!
Raju did not. What's so significant about a goat's head? " However, he realized that the unfamiliar current flowing in his mind was slowing down. He already knows that none of them have seen Niranjan. Just heard the name. So he is now free from any danger. But the thing to think about, what should he do now?

While exchanging a glass of lemon water, they were seen touching and touching each other. In the old days, that shirshirani thought seemed to wake up inside Raju again. The woman said, “My name is Malti. You will call by name. Now I have to go to the doctor.
Raju was exhausted. Said, ‘I don’t know anything about that. ‘Malati made such a joke that Raju froze.

When the hair that was left open became a bit dry, Malati started to shake hands with both hands behind her back. Bharanta Bukduti came forward in front of Raju's face. She smelled a light sweetness in her breasts. The feeling in that head of the body has spread in the body in such a way that it has made the mind numb. He remembered that he was not Niranjan.

The bicycle was inside the ride. Raju took it out. The old woman said in a hushed voice, "Drive carefully, father."
A little further on the field. Green paddy trees on both sides. There is a dirt road, there is a road, but it seems to be behind. Malti is sitting in her career. On the empty road, she pressed two soft breasts on Raju's back. He left you and said, are you married?

‘I can’t find a girl.
‘What if I see a girl?
"Give it to me."
‘What kind of girl do you like?
‘Dare Raju says, like Tayma.
Malati smiled when she heard. He said, "Why?

What do you see in me?
‘Have you been lying for so long?
"No, it's not. I do not dare.
‘I dare. He said, "He hugged Raju's waist. Raju does not understand what is happening. That's how she thought of breast pressure. Going to sit motionless, he sat down on his back. The heat of the soft breast like a pigeon was so much that the heat was spreading all over the body.Now Raju wrapped his arms around her waist and realized that this woman was wishing him. Noon full of such full women. At this time, if a woman becomes weak in desire, if a man finds her in the midst of desire, the body wants to float away happily with her. The jungle has started across the field. There is no need for a man to give a taste of heaven in such a way that a woman does not get married. It is not known how the man is upset?
‘What happened?

Malati put her hand through the bottom of Raju's shirt. Raju's hand shook. The cuckoo is calling; the other birds are not stopping. Butterflies, flying insects. At this time why women give body taste to men in this way. Do you play a match with a man named Niranjan in a dream? He wants to make the dream come true?
Raju says, 'The smell of gold in your chest'! Malati is ashamed to hear.
No one has ever spoken of my body in this way.
Your husband?
“Is he human? Male sex only.
“Anyone else?
‘Who else will say? Married at the age of thirteen. What was the body then? The body is after seventeen. Twenty now. Can the smell of flowers be suppressed at this age?
"What's the point of pressing?"
Malati's cheeks turned red. Said, ‘What do you do with that smell?

‘What if I say body fat?’
‘Look at Lake. They will be surprised by the smell. What did you say?
‘What would you say then?
‘I will tell them this is the smell of musk deer.
‘Go! Am I a deer?”

‘Harini-e tae. One day I saw you taking a bath, not the next day. Meanwhile, I live by the smell. What can I do, where can I go, I can't get over anything? So whatever comes down to the forehead. If you keep it, you will keep it, if you kill it, you will keep it. When and where does that rise, who can say except you?
What else are you without a deer?

Malati turned her hand and walked all over Raju's body. Once the hand reaches below the navel. Raju shuddered. Malati breathes frequently. He whispered, "Why are you doing this?"

You can't hold a young girl properly. I will fall if I shake hands! ”
Raju stops. Malati gets off the bicycle and says, ‘Ah, isn’t that beautiful? All the great plants.
The body becomes cold. Let's go under that big tree inside.

What kind of shadow is not?
Raju did not object. She is that Niranjan. Like a man driven by sexual destiny.
Destiny will continue to drive him. She wanted a little shelter, so she needed that shade. What Malati has been doing for so long, her body is trembling.
‘I have to keep a vow here. I want a man for him. '
Raju did not understand anything. Said ‘The doctor won’t show up? ‘What will happen if the doctor shows up.
I don't have a baby.
You didn't take a bath this month.

Taking away her words, Malati said it was a lie. The monthly rules were followed, but the mother-in-law was not allowed to understand. Because I knew Niranjan would come. Raju says desperately, but I am not Niranjan.
‘I didn’t tell you you weren’t Niranjan.
‘I am telling you the truth.
‘I don’t understand the truth. The way you came is the way of God.
‘How confused I am.Raju said lost his way.
‘When he puts his hand on the head of a vow-bearing woman, the woman becomes pregnant.
‘Did your husband know?

‘Don’t know. There is something wrong with her body, I don't have it. The doctor showed me a lot, I have no flaws. The doctor said the husband needed treatment. To test his semen. Hearing this, my mother-in-law rescued my family with her cheek. I am a barren woman. The husband hit. Say, you blamed me? See how fast my penis? Look at this ... look ... look ... oh.

Malti paused. I started to say again with breath, this time it was one month. Reunited every day. Before leaving, it was said that if the child does not come this time, he will come to my father's house. Will marry again. My parents are poor. They can’t eat themselves, what will feed me? Meanwhile, I want the descendants of mother and son. So let's come up with a plan. Nude-bathing. I knew someone would see me from the train, he would come down to me. My vows will be celebrated. He is my God, his name is Niranjan.

Raju sat down holding his breath. The leaves of the trees, the birds, the flocks of insects seemed to stare at him. As if they are saying, you become God, Raju. Not everyone gets such an opportunity. Deer is not the enemy of your flesh, your flesh is its ally!
Our partner knows this deer ventricle. You save him.
Dishehara Raju knows time is running out ...
‘Do you want me to commit suicide?
‘No’. Raju jumped up.

“But come on. Fill my lap to the bosom of heaven.
Raju was sweating. The eyes and face turned red.
Then the woman began to expose herself.
The white breasts, like the cork of a lotus, begin to bloom little by little in the breeze and in the yellow alley; Loose darkness inside the bellows-like navel.

From there comes the smell of wine. Raju becomes unconscious. Seeing that, as the soft watermelon blooms in the crystal clear lake, looking forward, Malti is getting more and more anxious. As he was walking, Raju realized that he had seen this body from the train.
He came here just to see this body up close, maybe just to touch it.That fold of the waist, the faint hint of the breast seen from behind, the waves of the hair. He was hiding in the forest like a deer. Here he did not come to hide himself, but to prove that he knew the ventricles. He said in a soft voice, Kiga men do not smell musk?

Raju thinks that there is nothing in the world, only one deer. The soft sheva of the deer's body is like the forest, the trees are bending the stalks to protect this nudity from the creation of other celestial deities. The whole sky-air-charachar is gradually filled with the scent of the desire of a perfect female body. Raju knows the smell. This smell inside the running train called to him.

Malati hugged him intensely.
Raju's face pressed against the musk-navel.
Raju could not control himself anymore.
The scent of Malti's musk-navel began to fill my mind. The two of them began to breathe more and more frequently. Finally, Raju gave Malti's lap in the morning light of heaven. At the end of the day, just as the sun sets according to the rules, so did Raju leave Malati.

Now make the double line. Of course not until Katwa. From Bandel to Kalna. So there is no problem of crossing. The train runs huhu. Raju still goes to Kolkata by afternoon train. Behula became alert in Peru. He sticks his face out the window and looks outside. An old wet Kuetala surrounded by various fruit and flower trees. Looking at her fuck she wants to find a bucket full of water. A mother is bathing a sixth child. The scent of God on that baby.

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