blurtstory 5 guidelines of Islam to avoid adultery

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

At present an epidemic is called parakia. Such extramarital affairs are causing unrest in the family. Even heinous murders are taking place. Both men and women are seen to be involved in extramarital affairs.


In the eyes of Islam, adultery and fornication are extremely heinous sins for all men and women. It is a poetic sin, a deadly punishable crime and a heinous act. Of all the punishments in Islam, the punishment for adultery and fornication is the most severe and severe.

There are two punishments for this crime subject to evidence. One is the use of force for unmarried offenders, 100 lashes and imprisonment for one year. And to ensure death by stoning to death for a married offender.

Therefore, a man and a woman who engage in adultery will be considered as guilty as well as a punishable offender.
10 directions to refrain from adultery
From the point of view of the Shari'ah and the opinion of the scholars, there is an important guideline to protect oneself from the deadly crime of adultery and fornication.

Stay with husband:
If the wife fears that she will not be able to control herself in the absence of her husband or that she will be involved in adultery and wickedness; In the eyes of the Shari'ah, then, the husband has the right to claim that either he (the husband) will take her (wife) abroad with him. Or the husband will leave her alone and refrain from traveling abroad or far away.

Because one of the purposes of marriage is to protect one's self-respect and to protect oneself from sinful deeds.

Keep in touch with husband:
Maintaining regular contact with the husband and continuing the best efforts to keep the good relationship and love for each other intact.

Avoid pornographic entertainment:
Keep yourself away from dramas, movies, music, obscenity and all kinds of sexual arousal. Because these sexually arousing things increase the human instincts and desires. So it is very important to refrain from it.

Stay away from mahram in Ghair:
Not meeting and communicating with strangers who are not mahram. Because it is very important to maintain character purity and mental purity.

Fear God:
Above all, fear Allah the Almighty more and more. To keep in mind the punishment of this world as well as the punishment of Hell in the Hereafter for adultery, wickedness and fornication. Remembering the passionate and loving words of the wife or husband more and more and praying to Allah for help for the beloved person and for oneself.
All believing men and women, married and unmarried, should lead a chained life according to the Qur'an and Sunnah. Seek God's help.

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