in r2cornell •  3 years ago  (edited)

Through the Voyage of Life , Some earthlings live a highly selfish and competitive life, Some souls are focused on how to achieve their goals, falsely seeking for fame and not to Care about how a Friend or Neighbor fares....!
Many drowned and died through the thorns of Life, We saw some drowning but We looked at them drown without helping, We attended their Funerals , wrote lengthy tributes , flung flowers to their grave and cried a whole river.
Why so??
She replied...
I've helped so many People, but they've never sent accolades to me,
After any good done, I want My accolades sent immediately to me, with thoughts of Pride and Selfish cravings for Fame!
Accolades are meant to come when you do good things but don't Impose accolades to come.
Altruism doesn't work this way!
You'll feel good and happy, when you help without Expectations and it'll be good if We appreciate People for a good done always, It encourages them.
I'm a Strong Stalwart of Manchester United, here's one of the Flaws of My team:
" In Manchester United one of the Prominent default that kills the Individual efforts of the Players of that Team despite the fact, they have competent players is the fact that: Some Player, plays to Obtain Individual Accolades, rather than Playing well as a Team and Winning Collectively, Martial plays in a style similar to former French international Thierry Henry but he plays with Pride and lack of Composure, I sometimes believe if Martial plays at his peak I don't see any Man united player forward aside cavani and Ronaldo that can stand him.
I believe Manchester United will rack up goals easily if there's a good and truthful Teamwork, rather than seeking for individual accolades, Fame and disrupting the Teamwork plan to Win a match.
I believe , The Sphere we live on will be a better and happy one, only if We Support and build Ourselves . Aside financial assistance , in one way or the other every soul that breathes has gifted hands to help each other, don't feel poor and Worthless!
If you haven't found your worth, take out time to check out Your worth during your quiet time.
We rise by Lifting Others.

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