ake a ride on the bike without leaving home with Daniela / Dar una vuelta en la bicicleta sin salir de casa con Daniela. [ENG/ESP]

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

Hello everyone to the community,

Hola a todos a la comunidad,

We have already been locked up in our homes days due to Covid-19, where the confinement has made us look for different activities to keep our minds busy, not fill it with news that only overwhelms and worries even more, or that your mind turns in think the worst.

Ya llevamos dias encerrados en nuestras casas debido a la Covid-19, en donde el encierro nos ha hechos buscar diferentes actividades para poder mantener la mente ocupada, no llenarla de noticias que solo agobia y preocupa aun mas, o que tu mente gire en pensar lo peor.

That is why we should best keep our minds busy, but if you have a love in your life that fills your life with joy and happiness, in which you can share with her, play, make her laugh so that she is always full of happiness, perhaps You will be thinking that I write about my girlfriend, because my loving readers is my daughter (niece) Daniela, she sees me as her father figure for me it is a great honor, I her as my first daughter. She is the daughter of my sister, she lives with my mother and with me, among all we have helped her get ahead with her daughter, being a single mother at this time is not easy at all not only in the moments of education, but also in expenses.

Es por ello que lo mejor debemos mantener nuestra mente ocupada, mas si tiene un amor en tu vida que llena tu vida de alegría y felicidad, en la que puede compartir con ella, jugar, hacerla reir para que siempre este llena de felicidad, talvez estaras pensando que escribo sobre mi novia, pues mis amantes lectores es mi hija (sobrina) Daniela, ella me ve como su figura paterna para mi es un gran honor, yo a ella como mi primera hija. Ella es hija de mi hermana vive con mi madre y conmigo, entre todos la hemos ayudado a salir adelante con su hija, ser madre soltera en esta época no es nada fácil no solo en los momentos de educar, si no en los gastos.

Yesterday I left my work early, I decided to give her a gift, as she had days drawing but she needed colors, I bought her a box of colors so that she could carry out her activities in a more colorful way, when I got home girl was sitting drawing. In that call I show her the gift that makes her smile. He takes his gift and uncovers it and smiles with happiness, that's when my girl begins to draw, Dad tells me and passes me a pencil to draw with.

En el dia de ayer Sali temprano de mi trabajo me decidi hacerle un regalo, como ella tenia días dibujando pero le hacia falta colores, le compre una caja de colores para que realizara sus actividades de una forma mas colorida, cuando llege a la casa mi niña estaba sentandita dibujando. En eso la llame le muestro el regalo ella lo que hace sonreírse. Toma su regalo y lo destapa y sonríe de felicidad, en eso mi niña empieza a dibujar, me dice papa y me pasa un lápiz para que dibuje con ella.

We lasted drawing both, my sister tells her it was bath time, my sister the bathroom went to sleep. After two hours he woke up to what my sister gave him a snack. But since Daniela is a very active girl before this Covid-19, she was used to riding a bicycle in the afternoon, I wanted her to ride a bicycle, but with this time of illness I do not want to put her life at risk, well so much insistence from Daniela. Clear the corridor of the patio of the house, ride her for a while on the bicycle, from one side to the other, what she did was smile and have fun. That father you do not do things for his children.

Duramos dibujando los dos, mi hermana le dice que era la hora del baño, mi hermana la baño se acostó a dormi. Luego de dos horas despertó a lo que mi hermana le dio su merienda. Pero como Daniela es una niña muy activa anterior a este Covid-19 estaba acostumbrada a pasear en bicicleta en las tardes, quería que la pasaera en a bicicleta, pero con este tiempo de enfermedad no quiero poner en riesgo la vida de ella, bueno a tanta insistencia de Daniela. Desocupe el corredor del patio de la casa la pasee un rato en la bicicleta, de un lado para el otro ella lo que hacia era sonreir y divertirse. Que padre no haces cosas por sus hijos.

I walked my girl inside the house, so she could enjoy a while, without being in danger of illness ...

Pasee a mi niña dentro de la casa, para que disfrutara un rato, sin estar en peligro de la enfermedad…

Until next time

Hasta la proxima

The photo is of my authorship taken with Galaxy mobile phone

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