How to Become an Expert in Data Science

in r2cornell •  last year 

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To become a proficient data scientist, mastery of technical concepts is crucial. This includes various aspects such as programming, modeling, statistics, machine learning, and databases.


Proficiency in programming languages is essential for data science. Python and R are commonly used languages as they can be easily optimized for data analysis. Tools like RapidMiner, R Studio, and SAS are employed for this purpose.


Mathematical models enable quick calculations, facilitating faster predictions based on available raw data. It involves identifying suitable algorithms for specific problems and training those models. Data is strategically placed into specific models for ease of use. The three main stages of data science modeling are conceptual, logical, and physical, which involve breaking down and organizing data into tables, charts, and clusters. The entity-relationship model is a fundamental data modeling concept, while other models include object-role modeling, Bachman diagrams, and Zachman frameworks.


Statistics is one of the core subjects in data science. It helps data scientists derive meaningful insights from the data they analyze.

Machine Learning:

Machine learning forms the foundation of data science. A strong understanding of machine learning is necessary to become a successful data scientist. Tools such as Azure ML Studio, Flash MLib, and Mahout are commonly used. It is important to be aware of the limitations of machine learning as it is an iterative process.


A competent data scientist should possess knowledge of managing large databases and extracting information from them. Understanding how databases function and the process of database extraction is crucial. There are two main types of databases: relational databases, where data is stored in structured tables and linked as needed, and non-relational databases or NoSQL databases, which use category-based data linking instead of relationships. Key-value pairs are one of the popular forms of NoSQL databases.

In summary, proficiency in programming, modeling, statistics, machine learning, and databases are vital for becoming a skilled data scientist.

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