Seven Semeja Coffee

in r2cornell •  11 months ago 


Hello Blurt blog lovers
For those of you who are looking for a place to hang out with a unique concept, Seven Semeja Coffee in Aceh is highly recommended to visit. Located in the tourist area of ​​Lake Lut Tawar, here are some other uniqueness in the Seven Semeja Café.


Located in the highlands, precisely in Takengon City, Aceh, the Seven Semeja Coffee Aceh Cafe offers a very cool atmosphere to its visitors. With this atmosphere, the cafe is perfect for those of you who need a place to refresh and have coffee.



A Cool and Peaceful Coffee Place Besides being cool, the view at this location also looks interesting. The reason is, almost all the space in the Seven Semeja Coffee Aceh cafe is surrounded by green mountains. The existence of this scene clearly gives a peaceful impression to anyone who sees it. What's more, you also know that green is indeed able to give a positive mood to the mind.

For those of you who don't know, the business name Seven Semeja Coffee Aceh F&B has a number of philosophies. One of them is the existence of its founder which consists of seven people. Apart from that, there is also the concept of seven chairs at one table that visitors can sit on.

So, if you go alone to this place and choose a seat at the table, you don't need to worry about having your own coffee. The reason is, other visitors can just sit at the table and enjoy coffee with you. How? Very interesting, right?

With this concept, single people can really come to this coffee shop just to hang out or find a mate.

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