Camping Manja on the Edge of Lake Laut Tawar

in r2cornell •  11 months ago 

How is everyone? Today is Sunday, me and several other friends, today are planning to go to Takengon - Central Aceh.

I myself was still lying in the room, suddenly the sound of the alarm on the gadget started ringing, immediately opened my eyes and opened the gadget screen to see the time it was 11:15 a.m, went straight downstairs to the bathroom to wash my face and headed to the dining table to enjoy breakfast. After eating, I called a friend who was in Samalanga, asking about our plans to go to the land of a thousand hills, Takengon - Central Aceh.

At 12:30 am my friend Hadi called me, it turned out that they had arrived in front of the house. I finished taking a shower while preparing the items that had to be brought for camping on the edge of the fresh sea lake. After all the goods have been put in the car we headed straight to Takengon - Central Aceh.


The road we took headed to Central Aceh, via the Bireuen - Takengon route. With road conditions that are full of bends and the weather is quite supportive of no rain, it makes it a little easier for us to catch up on time.

Exactly at 03:10 we arrived in Takengon town. Because we haven't had lunch since earlier, we agreed to stop at a cafe in the Takengon town area while enjoying coffee.


Because it didn't take long for us to catch up on time, after eating and enjoying coffee. The four of us headed straight to the Takengon city tax center. To buy cooking equipment and grilled fish. Starting from rice, fish, grilled fish seasoning, tomatoes and several other ingredients for the food menu, which is enough for the four of us to arrive tomorrow afternoon.

After all the cooking utensils were complete, we stopped at Alfamart to buy some snacks, Indomie and eggs for us to cook the next morning.


The atmosphere is now getting late, all the goods are now complete in the car. We went straight to the camping site which is on the edge of a fresh sea lake. The distance from the city to the camping site is approximately 20 minutes. Upon arrival, we immediately parked the car neatly, and took things to take to the camping site, helping each other.


Upon arrival, I saw the faces of my friends smiling at each other, looking happy to see the beautiful scenery decorated with evening twilight on the edge of a fresh sea lake. Because my two friends were camping here for the first time.




Because the atmosphere was getting late, I decided to put up the tent first, in fear of rain and all things wet. After finishing setting up the tents, we sat back and relaxed while waiting for the sunset call to prayer in the open, feeling alive without the burden of enjoying the incomparable beauty of Gayo's nature.

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