Red mushroom

in r2cornell •  11 months ago 

In a lonely forest A red mushroom Grows up It becomes a beautiful decoration Like a flower in a garden The sun's light shines Greetings on the red body of the mushroom Makes it even more radiant Like a red crystal gem.

But be careful, don't be fooled This red mushroom can be very deadly Don't be seduced by its beauty It only deceives the eye We are only clever, Distinguishing what is dangerous And what can be enjoyed As a beautiful decoration of the universe.

Di hutan sepi Jamur merah Tumbuh Menjadi hiasan indah Bagaikan bunga di taman Sinar mentari menyinari Salam pada tubuh merah jamur Menjadikan semakin bersinar Bagaikan permata kristal merah.

Tapi hati-hati jangan sampai terkecoh Jamur merah ini bisa sangat mematikan Jangan tergiur dengan keindahannya Hanya menipu mata Kita hanya pandai, Membedakan apa yang berbahaya Dan apa yang bisa dinikmati Sebagai penghias alam semesta yang indah .




📷 PicturePhotography
ModelVivo X60
Camera usedHandphone

REGARDS @herimukti

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