Land of My Heart

in r2cornell •  7 months ago 

Land of My Heart

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Dear reader! Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah. how are you all Hope all are well by God's grace. I am also fine with your prayers and Allah's infinite mercy. Today's discussion is on "Land of My Heart".

In fields of green and skies so blue,
My country stands, a land that's true.
Mountains tall, rivers that flow,
A tapestry of beauty, a vibrant show.

From coast to coast, diversity thrives,
In every heart, the spirit derives.
Cultures weaving stories old,
A nation's tale, forever told.

Cities bustling, lights aglow,
Progress marching, steady and slow.
Yet in quiet corners, nature's embrace,
Whispers secrets, a timeless grace.

Heroes born from humble roots,
Their courage blooms in resolute shoots.
Unity in diversity, a cherished song,
My country, where all belong.


Through challenges faced, and victories won,
The journey continues, under the sun.
Oh, my country, in your embrace,
A tapestry woven with pride and grace.


Thanks for reading today's poem.



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