in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

Do you ever wonder why the devil's first temptation to JESUS was for HIM to turn stone into bread after HIS fast?

JESUS was hungry.

And to satisfy that hunger, HE needed food.

If the Devil came to tempt HIM with clothes at that point, it won't be classified as a temptation. It is not what JESUS needed.

You get?


After 40 days and 40 nights, JESUS was hungry.

(I love how JESUS was on earth and lived like a man; one who experienced love, anger, hurt, hunger, etc. How we don't have a High priest that cannot sympathize with us.... ❤️ Talk for another day tho.)

And the first test was, turn this stone into bread.


You see those needs, those your desires? that's how the devil will try to come in.

You need a job.

Yes, you do.

It's pertinent you have a job.

But if you are not careful and watchful enough, you will be given a job where your soul will be used as an exchange for the job.

You won't even be able to see the things you are meant to see.

Your own is, just as long as you have the job.

I hope you know that indeed, JESUS could turn that stone into bread?


Your needs are not bad. Your desires are not bad.

But they can be used by the devil.

For me, I like to bring my needs to GOD every time.

Why? Because I know the devil can use that as a means.

If I become so desperate about my needs, and I place GOD below them, everything can go just for me to get those needs.

Killing someone would be easy for me to do.

Stealing will be easy for me to do.

Setting a trap for someone will be easy for me to do.

It won't become something of, "what would JESUS say?" or "how will JESUS feel?".

But if I place GOD first before my needs, however my needs will be satisfied, they have to first pass through GOD.

And if they are passing through GOD first, then the way my needs will be satisfied will not be sinful.

No matter how the temptation will come like, I will be able to say, "No".

My needs are placed below GOD, not above GOD.


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