Being grateful certainly doesn't just mean accepting things as they are, or that there's no good reason to work for a better life!

in r2cornell •  4 years ago 


It's not uncommon for people to find out that even if they know what they want, they intend to achieve their goals and act simply, so they don't get the results they expect.

This could be due to the only ingredient that is often overlooked, which can make a difference.

Practicing gratitude for what we already have is one of the mysteries of success. Not only should we be grateful for what we already have, but we must also be grateful for our experiences and the things that happen to us throughout our lives, both good and bad.

I'm not suggesting that you be satisfied or grateful if you lose your job or leave with your partner or if you experience other serious shocks in your life. Some of these things will take some time to overcome, but it can certainly help speed up the process and get back on track as you start looking for positives or lessons that you can take experience and think about things you may be grateful for in other areas of your life.

You might think you have little to thank. If so, here are some basics you might start with:

You are not among the 30% of the world's adult populace who can't peruse.

You are among just 20% of the total populace who approach a PC.

You are certainly not among 27% of the total populace who procure under $1 every day.

We take these and many other things for granted in general and consider the fundamental human rights and nothing to be thankful for, but these figures show that this is not the case when we look at the whole situation.

We have access to all the thoughts, ideas, and books that anyone has ever written, we have access to unlimited resources on the Internet, we are educated, we can learn or do or acquire whatever we want.

We may not be able to have everything the richest people in the world have, but we can have some purpose, or learn all the skills in which we put our hearts. That's when we decided and we're willing to pay the price.

How many other things do you have in your life for which you can be grateful?

What about all the consumer goods and toys that most of us have and feel that we can't live without? We are the richest people that ever existed, and we have things that our grandparents including our parents couldn't even have imagined at our age. However, most of us take everything for granted.

All personal development experts agree that we will do what we think most of the time. As a result, if we focus on our problems and the negative things and experiences in our lives, we probably get more.

Being grateful certainly doesn't just mean accepting things as they are, or that there's no good reason to work for a better life.

If we want to improve our lives, one of the most constructive things we can do is be grateful for what we already have. However, this is not one of the easiest concepts to explain or understand logically.

Expressing gratitude is so important because it is powerfully attractive, which is just a variation in the fact that we become what we think. When we express our gratitude, we focus on the positive. It's a way to ensure that we apply as much positive energy as possible to what we want and to maintain the energy of what we don't want.

It also helps us to give strength and hope and to make us optimistic for the future and gives us a solid foundation on which to work towards our goals and desires.

Expressing our gratitude also helps us put things into perspective and better appreciate what we already have and what we have already achieved in our lives. And while it's not something that can be rationally explained, gratitude also connects us with larger forces that can help us in a way we can't even imagine.

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