Are you living a Profound and Peaceful Life?

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 



When you start to melt into a more Liquid lifestyle, the idea of self-control starts to lose its substance. The bond that binds this well-established, steady world begins to crumble. For example, you may find yourself less able to control your emotions or thoughts. You may find your destiny changing in unexpected ways. You may even begin to wonder if you are in control of your future. Spiritual concepts like these can be both frightening and exhilarating.

It can be scary to leave behind the comfort of an ego-based existence. But on the other hand, it can be exciting to explore the flexibility of the spiritual world.

There is a voice inside that tells us we must be in control. It's the ego. The ego is the part of us that wants to be in control, and it gets stressed out when things don't go our way. The ego is also the part of us constantly seeking approval from others. We live in a society that values individualism and independence, so it's no wonder that the ego is vital to many of us. However, the ego can also lead to suffering. When we're attached to outcomes and things don't go our way, we can experience disappointment, frustration, and despair. It takes practice, but it's worth it because it can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

The ego is not who we are. Our true nature is something much greater than the ego. Our true nature is connected to all of life. When we identify with the ego, we are cut off from our true nature. We are like a drop of water trying to hold onto its individuality instead of being part of the ocean.

The ego is dangerous because it leads us away from our true selves. It causes us to believe that we are separate from others and need to control everything to be happy. When we live from the ego, we live in fear and anxiety. We are always worried about what might happen and how we will handle it?

Desire is often seen as a dirty word - something that should be resisted or controlled. But I see desire as the very lifeblood of our existence. It motivates us to take action, pursue our goals, and follow our dreams. Without desire, we would watch the world go by. But desire is not just a physical thing - it also drives the mind and the soul.

And that something is desire. So the next time you feel pulled in directions other than your passions, take a step back and ask yourself: which of these desires is really in harmony with my higher self? Which of these desires will help me create the life I want to live? Follow your passions in everything that you do.

The life of a sage is not one of struggle and strain. Instead, it is a life of relinquishing control and floating along happily like an autumn leaf upon a Forest stream. To the sage, every desire is simply another opportunity to let go and trust in the flow of life. In this way, he remains ever content and at peace, even amidst the most challenging circumstances. The secret to the sage's happiness is not resisting what arises but instead watching the desires arise and releasing them back into the world from whence they came. In this way, he remains in constant harmony with the Universe. And as a result, he can live a life that is both deeply fulfilling and profoundly peaceful.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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Fabulous! We can try to suppress our desires and many people approach this differently, but fact remains that we will always have desires. How we channel these desires will be very important in deciding how peaceful our life will be.

Well Done.

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