Are you grateful for what you have?

in r2cornell •  last year 



It is common for people to know what they want, have a plan to achieve their goals, and take action but have yet to get the desired results.

It may be due to something often overlooked, but it can make all the difference.

Practicing gratitude for what we already have is one of the secrets to success. Not only should we be grateful for what we already have, but also for the experiences and things that happen to us throughout life, both good and bad.

I'm not saying that you should rejoice or be grateful when you lose your job, break up with your partner, or experience another significant shock in your life. But it can certainly help speed up the process and get you back on track if you look for the positive experiences or lessons you can learn from the experience and think about the things you can be grateful for in other areas of your life,

When you think that you have little, if so, you can start with the basics:

You are not part of the 20% of the world's adult population that cannot read.

You are part of the 10% of the world's population that has access to a computer.

You are certainly not part of the 20% of the world's population that earns less than a dollar daily.

We generally take these things, and many others, for granted and as fundamental human rights for which there is no need to be grateful.

We have access to every thought, idea, and book. In addition, we have unlimited resources through the Internet; we can learn, do or acquire almost anything we want.

We may not have everything the wealthiest people in the world have, but we can have virtually any object or goal or learn any skill. That is, if we put our minds to it and are willing to pay.

How many other things do you have in your life for which you can be grateful?

We are the wealthiest people who have ever lived, and we have things at our disposal that our grandparents (and even our parents) could not have imagined when they were our age. Yet most of us take it all for granted.

Therefore, if we focus on our problems and the negative things and experiences in our lives, we are likely to attract more of them.

Being grateful does not mean that we are content to accept things as they are or that there are no good reasons to work for a better life.
If we want to improve our lives, one of the most constructive things we can do is to be grateful for what we already have. But unfortunately, it is not one of the most accessible concepts to explain or understand logically.

Gratitude is so important because it exerts a strong attraction, which is nothing more than a variation of the fact that we become what we think. Therefore, when we express gratitude, we focus on the positive. In this way, we ensure that we spend as much positive energy as possible on what we want and withhold power from what we don't want.

It also helps us draw strength, hope, and optimism for the future and gives us a solid foundation to achieve our goals and desires.

Gratitude also helps us to put things in perspective and to appreciate better what we already have and what we have already achieved in our lives. Although we cannot explain it rationally, gratitude puts us in touch with higher powers that can help us in ways we cannot even imagine.

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