Greed is Curse
“Greed is a curse” is a famous quote and nobody is unfamiliar with it. This is true that man always faces losses when he became greedy. A man becomes greedy when he find anything more than he expects and does not thank God. He finds more to more sources so he becomes greedy.

This is a story of ancient times when three friends lived in a small village. They were jobless and all day they were roamed here and there in the village. They were facing abuse sentences of the people all day so one day they decided to go to another city to find a job. They packed their bags and moved to the city. They were moving to the city on foot and they felt tired of themselves. They stayed to rest under the shadow of a tree. Abruptly, they looked at a big bag and one of them opened the bag. They became wondered to see inside the bag. It was totally filled with gold. They delighted and hugged one another to consider that they are rich now and there is no need to find any job for them. They decided to divide that gold into three equal parts. After covering the long distance they were tired and hungry to they decided that one of them will go to the city and bring food for the remaining waiters in the forest. They gave some gold from the bag and moved one friend to the city. So, one of them reached the restaurant and ate a meal after selling gold. When he was eating a meal he thought to get all gold. He thought that if his other two friends died then he will take all gold. He purchased a little amount of poison and mixed it into the meal of his two friends. On the other hand, his friends were planning to kill him and divide gold into a two-piece. When he came to bring a meal his friends blamed him to be late and one of them threw a stone on his head and he died. Their plan succeed and they buried him in the soil of the forest. They started to eat a poisonous meal. When they eat a meal that poison started a reaction and they felt a heavy pain in their body. They fell on the earth and became died. They were greedy so in their greed they all killed themselves.