The Wave || The disaster that destroyed the town

in r2cornell •  last year 

In films where natural disasters are the subject, more realistic stories and scenes are sought. When the subject is disasters such as earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides, etc., the more realistic the plot, the more enjoyable the film is.

When realism is sought in the story, when I witness the callous behaviour of someone who should have acted quickly during the disaster, I get angry and start talking to him as if I was there.

Move faster... You can't keep all those people waiting... You stupid thing... like...


Released in 2015, the Norwegian film The Wave is about a small town between the mountains and the people living in it. As a natural disaster, it deals with the wave hitting the town as a result of the rock and sand particles breaking off from the mountains suddenly falling into the sea.

The subject, the town and the natural beauties of Norway are great, but as in every disaster film, there are those who have a callous attitude in The Wave and there are scenes that are contrary to the reality sought.

For example; At the moment when the rocks and sand pieces start to fall, the ground is moving like an earthquake, but one of the protagonists is wearing headphones, listening to loud music and enjoying skateboarding in the corridor of the shelter floor of the hotel. Considering that every second is important in the event of a disaster and the group that needs to leave the hotel as soon as possible, spending time looking for the protagonist enjoying skateboarding and trying to find him made my nerves jump.


Since more reality is sought in films about natural disasters, the scenes of the type I mentioned really stand out. If the story was fiction, it would not attract so much attention. In another scene, while everyone is trying to run upwards as the waves come in, a woman's knee gets stuck between two vehicles as a result of a vehicle slipping without a handbrake. Two people can't decide whether to save her or not by looking at each other for almost minutes, but at that time the waves are coming fast. I get angry again and shout from where I am sitting; either save her or ignore her and carry on because you have no seconds to lose!

Since I have been preferring stagnant films for a while, my viewing pleasure was more calm, but with The Wave, I had a more active viewing session. In general, the watchability rate of the film is high, I don't think you will think of it as wasted time when you watch it. But if you expect reality like me, in the scenes I mentioned, you can move a little bit and find yourself in the film and try to dialogue with the townspeople. Lol.

I live in a first degree earthquake zone and every time I hear the news of a natural disaster or watch a natural disaster themed film like The Wave, I am startled. I have been affected by several devastating earthquakes in the past and every natural disaster brings back memories. Imagine the loss of a few lives, which has a negative impact on the living, and suddenly tens of thousands of people die! Or don't imagine it at all and let's hope that such a situation will never happen.

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