I trust everyone is embracing the New Year.
As of yesterday we started curating with the @r2cornell account. I still have more BP powering-down that will be moved and delegated to that account. As that one continues I will begin building the second account for curating. Much is currently in a state of flux, yet in time we will have 2 accounts curating again.
In my personal life things are moving forward for the possibility of retiring sometime in February. I have been self-employed most of my adult life so I have had to fund my own retirement. I believe I have enough invested that I will be okay. It is a little more complicated in that life expectancy in my family means I could have 20 or more years that my retirement funds have to last. My home is paid for so I have that to sell when I get too old to be able to maintain it.
I have been doing some upgrades on my home for a few years now. The living area is almost finished. I am expanding my plant room so it will be three times larger than what I have had. I am changing the lighting to LED lights so the cost of growing food and flowers indoors should improve. I am looking forward to finish that project.
As I finish the plant room I will then begin re-organizing my woodshop. I bought the last of my power equipment recently. I have equipment I have yet to use because of working and everything else that has transpired over the last few years. I have a lot of wood for my projects stored. I have enough to work on projects for many years to come.
My cover photo is another Amaryllis I am growing. I have a couple of this variety sending out flower stalks. I noticed that this bulb is sending out a second flower stalk which I have not had happen before. Once these plants finish their bloom I put them in the plant room until it is time to force them into dormancy.
The next photograph is of the same flower, but with more flowers blooming
The next photograph shows the bloom on one of my Paperwhite flowers. These flowers have a wonderful scent and are a welcome sight during our cold winter months.
The final photograph is of my living room. It is the last room that needed to be tiled. There is a little more to do to finish the tile. While I had the room empty I had the room painted and then added a new area rug. I am happy with the outcome.
This room is the center of my house. My house is in the shape of a decagon. Thus I have a center room which is also 10 sided. Plus, this photo does not show the spiral staircase to an upstairs room which is the same as this room, minus the fireplace, but it has windows.
I normally use a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs, except where noted. I do have an older PowerShot Canon digital camera that I use from time to time. I do take some photographs with my Samsung Note 10 smart phone and include them from time to time. I believe the photos in this post were taken with my Samsung phone.

Hello. It's good to have you back here!!
The room looks very cozy and beautiful, just what is needed to spend the years in peace. I hope and wish that you do well in this second stage of your life, such as retirement.
Not to mention the flowers, I loved them. Amarilys are one of my favorites and I have never seen the white ones before. beautiful.
Thank you very much . I hope to grow more flowering plants indoors. I have plenty of flowers outside during warmer months, but it is nice to see them indoors when it is snowing out.
Hopefully all existing projects will run smoothly as expected, including here and in the real world.
I saw some of the pictures you shared, such as the flowers in your room which look very beautiful, you also showed a very comfortable living room.
I hope everything is fine and you have a happy day, sir.
Thank you
Thanks for doing this project again@r2cornell! It will surely help a lot especially to the newbies. Appreciate this much. Continue to be of great help to this platform. ♥️👏👍
Thank you
Nice to see you coming back with confidence @dsc-r2cornell and I love what you are doing with your house and plants always wise to think ahead.
Thank you very much.
I am very happy you back here 💝💝💝
Hello Robert, thank you another time for your work. I'm happy seeing you "on the road" again. Beautiful living room, it seems really cosy. Have a big nice, new week :)
Thank you
What beautiful images, both of the flowers and of your room.
Thank you
I like the way you are prepared for your future and your retirement @r2cornell @dsc-r2cornell so that all things will be ironed-out to set you up in the coming years or decades.
I wish you a better health and I know that you already know what to do with your diet, lifestyle, etc., to keep yourself strong and also sharp in mind/thoughts.
Time really passes-by so fast and it is a reality that we have to cope with because it is life. All that we can do is to live ever second of our lives with God in our hearts and try to enjoy it especially if we are not sick because not being sick really is a blessing in itself.
I appreciate the flowers, it is really an eye candy for me too.
Your living room is very cool as if I want to sleep on the couch and do some siesta. 😊👍
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the flowers. I slept many of nights on this couch when I had Covid. There is a recliner on both ends of the couch. It is easy to doze off when I am tired.
That's great, welcome back to the wonderful world of curation.
I like that living room, quite unique. Sounds like a good house for living in and for being creative in.
Thank you. Very few of these homes were built. It is 60 years old. My wife and I used to drive by this place and appreciate its charm and uniqueness. When my wife's health started to fail and we needed to move closer to medical services it was the first place we saw listed for sale. Some things are meant to be.
Congratulations @dsc-r2cornell! Great work!!
I love the way you plan your life. You are some to learn from. Your plant are beautiful, nice living room
Thank you
You are welcome
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welcome back
beautiful flowers and cozy living room
Amaryllis are very beautiful - older photo from the Amaryllis that we have - more flower stalks means more flowers
Beautiful. I will have more blooming over the next month. Love them.
Beautiful post.
Welcome back @r2cornell, nice seeing you again sir! 🥳🥳
Thank you
Thank you so much for restarting your curation project on blurt.
You are impacting lives positively in this space.
More Grace to you we pray 🙏.
Thank you very much.
Hi @dsc-r2cornell, great news! Your content was selected by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.
You can support us by voting for our witness, our decentralized funding proposal, or through delegation. You're also welcome to join our Discord server 👉 https://discord.beblurt.com
Nice post, you share a beautiful flowers photography,I hope you continue your thoughts and experience with all blurt friends.
Thank you.
Welcome dear sir most welcome ☺️.
1 votes
The flower of the Amaryllis plant is one of the most beautiful and has the advantage of lasting a long time. The only problem is that each plant produces only two or three flowering stems but, decoratively speaking, it is very beautiful.
I also have a passion for gardening as you can see in the photo.
Greetings and good year, I hope that in 2024 nothing strange happens to your account and that you can be safe from thieves.
The room is very messy.The color of my flower looks very good.