in r2cornell •  3 years ago  (edited)

Greetings to everyone.

Saludos a todos.

To promote participation in our platform, we bring today our first contest. We would like to see the participation of all those people that we support every day with our curatorship and that they add even more to get to know and support them as well.

Para promover la participación en nuestra plataforma, traemos hoy nuestro primer concurso. Nos gustaría ver la participación de todas aquellas personas a las que apoyamos cada día con nuestra curaduría y que se sumen aún más para conocerlos y apoyarlos también.


What this contest is about:

De qué se trata este concurso:

It will be something very simple. You must make a post with the topic of the week.

Será algo muy sencillo. Debes hacer un post con el tema de la semana.

In this first week the topic is:

Which is your favorite place.

En esta primera semana el tema es:
Cuál es tu lugar favorito.

You should tell us about your favorite place, this can be a place for a walk or just an everyday place like your home or work. The important thing is to tell us why it is your favorite place and share photos with us.

Debes contarnos sobre tu lugar favorito, este puede ser un lugar para pasear o simplemente un lugar cotidiano como su casa o trabajo. Lo importante es decirnos por qué es tu lugar favorito y compartir fotos con nosotros.


For your entry to be valid in this contest you must follow the rules.

Para que tu participación sea válida en este concurso debes seguir las reglas.

  • The TITLE of your post should start with: R2CORNELL CONTEST WEEK 1 followed by the name of your favorite place.

El TÍTULO de tu publicación debe comenzar con: R2CORNELL CONCURSO SEMANA 1 seguido del nombre de tu lugar favorito.

  • Make a post that contains at least 300 words (approximately 2 paragraphs of 5 lines each)

Haga una publicación que contenga al menos 300 palabras (aproximadamente 2 párrafos de 5 líneas cada uno)

  • Your publication must have at least 3 photographs of that place of which in 2 photographs you must be.

Tu publicación debe tener al menos 3 fotografías de ese lugar de las cuales en 2 fotografías debes estar tú.

  • If it is a tourist site and you will place any additional information used from the internet, you must cite the site from which you obtained the information.

Si se trata de un sitio turístico y colocarás cualquier información adicional utilizada de Internet, debes citar el sitio del que obtuvo la información.

  • Your publication must be original.

Tu publicación debe ser original.

  • A single entry per person.

Una sola entrada por persona.

  • You must paste the link of your publication in the comments of this publication.

Debes pegar el enlace de tu publicación en los comentarios de esta publicación.

  • You must reblurter this post so that other people find out about the contest.
    Debes volver a reblutear esta publicación para que otras personas se enteren del concurso.

If your publication fails in any of these rules, your publication will not be accepted for entry.

Si su publicación falla en alguna de estas reglas, su publicación no será válida para participar.


1st place - 1er lugar::

1 Vote 100% @ Double-u
1 vote 100% from @ r2cornell-curate
1 vote 100% from @ r2cornell

2nd place - 2do lugar:

1 vote 100% from @ r2cornell-curate
1 vote 100% from @ r2cornell

3rd place - 3er lugar:

1 vote 100% from @ r2cornell-curate
1 vote 100% from @ r2cornell

All posts will get a 50% vote if their entry meets all the rules.

Todas las publicaciones obtendrán un voto del 50% si su entrada cumple con todas las reglas.


You have the opportunity to participate from now until Friday 12-17-21.

Tienes la oportunidad de participar desde ahora hasta el viernes 17-12-21.

On Saturday 18 the winners will be announced and the winning publications will be voted on.

El sábado 18 se darán a conocer los ganadores y se votarán las publicaciones ganadoras.

Go ahead and spread the word.

Adelante, corre la voz.

We want participation from real people.

Queremos la participación de personas reales.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE BLURT!
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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Why would I put myself in my own photos? My arms are not that long and I have a mirror!

Can I photoshop myslef in? Like Zelig.

Good luck, hope you get some good entries :-)

Thank, I also hope that many are encouraged to participate.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Just noticed this is 2 days old - lemme reblurt it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you, your post has been upvoted by @blurttribe.

Curated manually by @obikay

:::Discord :::Whatsapp :::Facebook Page

You can delegate blurt power to @blurttribe to support curation

Thanks for your participation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good contest. I love to talk about my favorite place all the time and I’m delighted it’s made into a contest by r2cornell team. Expect my entry soon.

Nice, I hope your participation, remember to read the rules so that your entry is valid.

Thanks for your participation.

Thank you, VALID ENTRY.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thank you, VALID ENTRY.

Seasons Greetings @dsc-r2cornell Thank you for this wonderful contest. We have reblogged to increase the visibility to real people. We hope to see good people tell us about their favourite place through this contest

Use the #blurtconnect tag to get more upvotes from usBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifPlease help support this curation account.

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Hello Blurt family. Thanks to R2 cornel for organising this frabjous contest for people to share their favourite place.


My name is Victoria, I am from southern part of Nigerian, Rivers State precisely.Actually my country Nigeria is made up of 36 State and being someone that love traveling l have been to many states in Nigeria and looking forward to move across the country, to mention but few places,l have gone to Delta State,Anambara State, Benin State, Imo State, Abia State, Bayalsa State, Lagos State and always in River State my State of origin .During my stay in Delta State, l learnt how to speak Delta pidgin which is different from every other pidgin language in Nigeria, I was to study Law in Delta State University, That was the main reason I found myself in Delta State in the year 2009 but didn't make it due to unforeseen circumstances, I then went back to my State of origin,there I applied for the position of a teacher with West Africa Examination Council Certificate (0 level certificate ).l was then giving the post of a teacher in Value School International after breaking through written and oral interview. I stated teaching at age seventeen . I was actually the youngest teacher in the school, that motivated young girls and boys to get something doing while waiting for admission into University . Being close to pupils and students made me have passion for education and school environment and finally led me to studying English and Primary Education in National Teachers Institution.



I love school environment due to the beautiful nature it present. It created the room for me meeting people of different ethnicity and religion.As a teacher, school environment is a place open to different ideas, opinions and suggestions. it made me know moreove about children's behavior and how to handle them according to the characters they possess. school environment made me build up certain value for a standard through various research documents with more ideas and information.it made me outspoken and correct me from certain mistake.finally, school environment was the best place I relate with people without the influence of family background. Speaking on the aspect of student and pupils, school environment is the best place for learning how to organize and discipline themselves,more knowledge about traditions, cultures, lifestyles, religion and the world in general is being passed in the school environment and Children are being trained in becoming future leaders as it teaches children moral principles, values, integrity and most importantly self reliance skills.


Conclusively school environment is my favourite place and I can't really stay one month outside school environment.Thanks for reading through my favourite place


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Can you please join our WhatsApp group and I will help put you through how to make this post thanks

Hi @imparter, thanks for your participation, please make a post with everything you wrote here and then paste the link of that publication here in the comment.

Saludos queridos amigos, un placer enorme estar participando en este primer concurso realizado por el amigo @r2cornell aquí dejo mi participación:


Thanks for your participation.

Hola amigos, por aquí dejo mi participación.!! Saludos y FELIZ NOCHE!! :)


Thanks for your participation.

Thanks for your participation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your participation. VALID ENTRY.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your participation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks sir.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your participation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

First of all, so many thanks for your organising excellent creativity in this platform.
This is my link of entry post in this contest.

Thanks for your participation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dear sir @dsc-r2cornell, I always obtained.
Please help me with your priceless idea and upvote. Thanks sir.

Thank you for your contribution to the blurt.blog community, hopefully with content like this it can increase blurt's contribution


Thanks for your participation.

Hopefully r2cornell will grow in the future

First of all, thank you very much for organising this excellent, exciting, easy and simple concept.
Accept my entry with enthusiasms!

Thanks for your participation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is my post link of this contest. And thanks again for created this contest. It is really a great enterprise


Thanks for your participation.

Excellent, valid entry.
Thanks for participating

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi @dsc-r2cornell, thank you for hosting this amazing contest. Here's the link to my entry. Thanks.


Valid ticket.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you sir.

It's great to see you guys hosting contests. It helps new users engage with the community.

That's right, I hope that you too are encouraged to participate.

Hi, @dsc-r2cornell,

Thank you for your contribution to the Blurt ecosystem.

Please consider voting for the witness @symbionts.
Or delegate to @ecosynthesizer to earn a portion of the curation rewards!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi @canghaiyidi, Thanks for your input, but you must read the contest rules as your post does not meet the rules to be valid.

You must appear in at least 2 photos of your favorite place.

You can edit your post to make it valid. Until Friday you have a chance.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I added my photos.

Thank you, VALID ENTRY.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi @bring, Thanks for your input, but you must read the contest rules as your post does not meet the rules to be valid.

You must appear in at least 2 photos of your favorite place.

You can edit your post to make it valid. Until Friday you have a chance.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have edited the post, hoping it is valid.

I have reviewed your publication ... you must appear yourself in the photo, I did not see you in any of the photos. Maybe you don't understand from the translation.
You can take a look at these 2 valid entries:



  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh, my god. It never occurred to me that I must appear myself in the photo. Many thanks for your kind suggestion.

Thank you, VALID ENTRY.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your participation but for your entry to be valid you must add photos of yourself in that place.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello sir@dsc-r2cornell
Ok i just uploaded my photo with place. Heartfelt thanks to you for letting me know.

Thanks for your participation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello dear

I would try to participate your contest.
And share my content link.


Hi @piya3, Thanks for your input, but you must read the contest rules as your post does not meet the rules to be valid.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Next time try my best

You have the opportunity until Friday to participate, you can make a publication that complies with the rules and your post will be valid to participate

Cheer up you :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Very nice contest, I will participate here, thanks for organizing such a contest.

Great, I hope your participation, remember to read the rules so that your entry is valid.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

A powerful contest is on the way.

Thank you

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wonderful contest. I will attend this contest. Thanks for organised this contest

Yeah, I hope your participation, remember to read the rules so that your entry is valid.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Very good and very popular contest.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thank you, I hope that you too are encouraged to participate.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Nice contest dear sir

Thank you, I hope that you too are encouraged to participate.

Very simple and exciting contest!

I hope to see your participation, you have chance until Friday.

Yeah! I will participate.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

One of the contestants is having issues commenting so I will assist her

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello sir how are you? Sarai use everyday your tag "r2cornell" but you don't see my post please sir can you visit my post?

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I do not personally curate posts. I have curators that do that. They curate a lot of posts and there are many they cannot get to because there is only so much voting power.

I cannot believe this is your discussion when you have a great opportunity within this contest for curations, if yours is one of the best entries, and you get to be noticed by others. I am sure there will be some really great posts that are not selected. So instead of complaining take advantage of the contest.

@r2cornell himself.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ok sir no problem I understand thank you sir for your reply


Great contest

Thank you, I hope that you too are encouraged to participate.

I have already posted on this topic what to do

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Create a new post?

Hi @mahmud552, the information you share in this publication is very interesting, however, the theme of the contest is that you tell us about your favorite place and why that is your favorite place as well as share photos of that place where youself are there.

You still have the opportunity to make another publication so that you can participate in the contest, until today the entries are received.

hi @hasseb, the theme of the contest is that you tell us about your favorite place and why that is your favorite place as well as share photos of that place where youself are there.

You still have the opportunity to make another publication so that you can participate in the contest, until today the entries are received.

You can see the participation of users who have valid entry so that you have an idea of how you should do it.